Delinquent Interest Due

Screen ID:  n/a images\2457g_shg.gif
Screen Title: Delinquent Interest Due
Panel ID: 2457
Tool Number: 20
    Click here to magnify

This window appears after using Miscellaneous (F14) on the Account Update screen for a loan account.

This window contains fields unique to mortgage loans with the 360-day interest calculation type. Use this to modify the amount of Delinquent interest due on the mortgage loan.

Because of the unique way in which mortgage loans are calculated and serviced, this feature is helpful if a member has become more than two months delinquent, or after an account adjustment or transaction reversal, or in other situations where partial payments or other non-routine activity has taken place, etc.

SEE ALSO: CU*BASE Mortgage Products: 360-Day Interest Calculation

When done, use Enter to save the changes and return to the previous Account Update screen, or use Skip (F8) to cancel any changes.