TOTAL Number of Delinquent Credit Card Loans 60+ Days

Acct Code


Tip for pulling data stored in CU*BASE


This is the total number of credit card loans delinquent 60+ days.


Note: If all or a portion of credit card loans are not maintained in CU*BASE, include outside vendor delinquent loans.

Run the Delinquent Loan Analysis from Tool #788 Selective Loan Information Report for the quarter end date. This report gives the total number and amount of delinquent loans by day ranges 30-59, 60-179, 180-359, and >=360 days. Depending on how your loans are organized in CU*BASE, filter by loan category, business unit, loan purpose, loan security or G/L.

Another method is to run Tool #637 Print Collections Delinquency Report by quarter end date. You can filter loans by loan category, loan purpose, or loan security code. Loans will sort by the delinquency aging levels defined with Tool #225 Collection Parameter Configuration.


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