Amount TDR Commercial Real Estate Loans in Nonaccrual Status

Acct Code


Tip for pulling data stored in CU*BASE


The total amount of Troubled Debt Restructured (TDR) loans secured by commercial real estate loans in nonaccrual status.

This account code was removed by the NCUA in March 2022.


It is recommended to define TDR loans by loan classification code. Security code can also be used, but is not the preferred option. This data can then be auto-populated by loan classification code or loan security code.

Two report options are also available. The Loan Classification Report can be run using the appropriate quarter end date.

The Selective Loan TB can also be run with  Output format 1 and the appropriate quarter end date. Depending on how TDR loans are organized in CU*BASE, filter by loan classification or loan security code.


One or more automation routines are available for this Account Code. Click images\ebx_543273246.gifto select from the available routines and configure the data.



The NCUA provides detailed descriptions on the Call Report Account Codes in their comprehensive Call Report Instructions available with the current Call Report on the website.

For more information about the 5300 Call Report Software, open the book.