Participation Loans - YTD Recoveries


Acct Code


Tip for pulling data stored in CU*BASE


The dollar amount of recoveries year-to-date by collateral category. Note: This section is for informational purposes only, recoveries for these loans has already been reported in the previous Loan Loss schedule.

Tool #476 Loan Write-off/Charge-off History Dashbd may help in gathering this information (manual effort may  also be needed).  Enter Written off between 0101YYYY to quarter end date.  Filter based on the CU*BASE code (Loan purpose, category or security) that correlates closest to this NCUA category.  Review the Net Change $ and Net Change % columns by  loan account.

Run Tool #650 Print GL Trial Balance (monthly) to manually reconcile the appropriate loan loss G/L account (s).


The NCUA provides detailed descriptions on the Call Report Account Codes in their comprehensive Call Report Instructions available with the current Call Report on the website.

For more information about the 5300 Call Report Software, open the book.