All loans charged off due to bankruptcy YTD
Acct Code |
Description |
Tip for pulling data stored in CU*BASE |
682 |
The dollar amount of loans charged off due to bankruptcy, year-to-date, regardless of when the bankruptcy was filed.
This account code was removed by the NCUA in March 2022. |
Tool #476 Loan Write-off/Charge-off History Dashbd may help in gathering this information if bankruptcy dates were enter in CU*BASE at the time of write off. Enter Written off between 0101YYYY to quarter end date. Use the Analysis button, then the Bankruptcy button to see the total amount of bankrupt loans for the current year.
Tool #656 Print Loan Classification Report can also be used if loan classification codes are used to classify bankrupt loans. |
The NCUA provides detailed descriptions on the Call Report Account Codes in their comprehensive Call Report Instructions available with the current Call Report on the website.
For more information about the 5300 Call Report Software, open the book.