Agricultural Related Business Loans - Amount Committed through Third Party/Indirect

Acct Code


Tip for pulling data stored in CU*BASE


This is the unfunded portions of any loan or participation interest to a member or nonmember for agricultural and farm purposes as denoted in Schedule A Specialized Lending. Report unfunded commitments through third party/indirect.


Note:  This Account Code was deleted by the NCUA in Sept. 2017.


For open-end loans, run Tool #280 Contingent Liability Analysis Report by quarter end date. Select ‘line of credit’ and ‘open-credit’ loans. Use the ‘Contingent Liability’ total for your loan category code(s) that identify these business loans.

For closed-end loans, run Tool #788 Selective Loan Information Report with Output format 1 (Trial Balance) and by quarter end date. Select by the CU*BASE code (G/L#, category, purpose code or security code) that correlates closest to commercial real estate loans. On the Summary page, ‘Selected Loans’ column, subtract the ‘Total Loan Balance’ from the ‘Total Loans Disbursed’ to obtain the unfunded portion of commitments.


The NCUA provides detailed descriptions on the Call Report Account Codes in their comprehensive Call Report Instructions available with the current Call Report on the website.

For more information about the 5300 Call Report Software, open the book.