Number of Loans/Lines of Credit Secured by Junior Lien on a single 1-4 Family Residential Property

Acct Code


Tip for pulling data stored in CU*BASE


The number of member and non-member loans secured by a lien in junior position on 1-4 family residential property.





The preferred method is to auto-populate this data by G/L, loan security code, loan category code or loan purpose code.


To obtain this information from a report, Tool #788 Selective Loan Information Report (Trial balance output) is the most flexible because it can be run by various loan codes. Choose the code(s) that correlate closest to this NCUA loan category. Be sure to use the quarter end date.

Other CU*BASE report options:

Tool #474 Loan Security Analysis. Select by quarter end date.

Tool #471  Loan Purpose Analysis. Select the by quarter end date.

Tool #489 Member TB Summary by GL Account. Select by quarter end date.


One or more automation routines are available for this Account Code. Click images\ebx_543273246.gifto select from the available routines and configure the data.



The NCUA provides detailed descriptions on the Call Report Account Codes in their comprehensive Call Report Instructions available with the current Call Report on the website.


For more information about the 5300 Call Report Software, open the book.