Trading Debt Securities


Acct Code


Tip for pulling data stored in CU*BASE


Report the total amount of investment in debt securities that were bought and are held principally for the purpose of selling in the near term. This account should reflect frequent buying and selling. Report these investments at fair value.


Complete Schedule B, Section 2 - Trading Debt and Equity Securities as appropriate.

If your credit union uses the CU*BASE Investment Subsidiary, you may find the following reports helpful:

Tool #652 Print Investment Register

Tool #408 Investment Trial Balance Report


Another method is to auto-pop by G/L account if your credit union has these investment types stored in CU*BASE General Ledger.

If these investments are tracked manually, refer to your internal report


One or more automation routines are available for this Account Code. Click images\ebx_543273246.gifto select from the available routines and configure the data.



For more information about the 5300 Call Report Software, open the book.