Rate Estimator

Screen ID:  n/a images\3041g_shg.gif
Screen Title: Calculate Interest Rate
Panel ID: 3041
Tool Number: n/a
    Click here to magnify

This window will appear when by select "Rate Estimator" from the second Loan Quoter screen.

Check out the video related to this topic: Rate Estimator (More videos below!)

Helpful Resources

Learn how to calculate the interest rate on a loan

Screen Overview

This window is designed to be a sales tool to help you encourage your members to move their loans to your credit union. This calculator will estimate an approximate interest rate based on the member's original loan balance, term, and monthly payment.

Fill in any fields not already filled in from data on the loan application screen, and use Enter to perform the calculation. When done, use the backup arrow to return to the previous screen.

Additional Video Resources

Check out these additional video resources!

View more lending videos.

Visit the CU*BASE video library.