Open Payable Report

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


Accounts Payable Open Payables Report



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #134: A/P Open Payable Report

This screen is used to print the Accounts Payable Open Payables Report. This report lists all open (unpaid) invoices for all vendors. The fields on this screen can be used to define specifically which invoices should be listed on the report; if all fields are left blank, all open invoices for all vendors will be included. When ready, use Enter to print the report and return to the Home Page.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Corp ID

(For multi-corporation CUs.) To include open items from only one company, enter the corporate ID number here. Leave the field blank to include all companies in the report.

Vendor #

To include open items from only one vendor, enter the vendor number here. Leave the field blank to include all vendors in the report.

Invoice date begin
Invoice date end

To include open invoices that fall within a specific date range, enter the starting and ending invoice dates (not due date) in these fields. (To locate a single date, enter the same date in both fields.)

Leave both fields blank to include all open invoices.

Date due begin
Date due end

To include open invoices that are due within a specific date range, enter the starting and ending due dates in these fields. (To locate a single date, enter the same date in both fields.)

Leave both fields blank to include all open invoices.

Print Suspended Vendors

Choose Yes to include suspended vendors on the report. Choose No to specifically exclude any vendors that have been suspended. Or choose Only to print a report of only suspended vendor numbers.

Report Sample

Following is a sample page from the Open Payables Report: