List Credit Card Overlimit

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List Credit Card Overlimit



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #449: List Overlimit Credit Cards.

This screen allows create a report listing overlimit credit cards. Check the box next to Export report to File to export the data for use with Member Connect or CU*BASE Report Builder (Query). You can also select the printer to which you wish to print the report.

The report provides you with a list of all members with cards carrying a balance over their current disbursement limit. It is a tool that should be used by your collections department to make contact with members to bring their accounts balances back within their disbursement limit. It is recommended that you pull this report at least twice a month for review. You then can select the printer to which you print this report.

For more information refer to Credit Cards: User Guide. (NOTE:  A PDF of this booklet will open when you click on this link.)