Household Statistical Report: By Household

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Household Statistics Report



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #395: Household Stats Rpt - by Household.

The CU*BASE Household Statistical reports let you gather statistical data for all households in your Household Database, and analyze the “global” patterns and trends for the entire credit union membership.

This report summarizes all members in a household and analyzes where each household unit falls into each designated tier. For a similar report that uses individual members rather than household units, use the Household Statistical Report: By Member.

  • For instructions on using this screen to choose a report format and define tier ranges, or to see samples of the printed reports, refer to the Household & Member Statistics booklet. This booklet also describes how you can use the Create files with member accounts... option to create a series of database files that contain the actual account numbers and household numbers for the members represented by each tier.