Miscellaneous Receipt Analysis Report

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


Miscellaneous Receipt Information




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Access this screen by selecting Tool #533: Misc Receipt Monthly Analysis Report.

This screen is used to print a report showing miscellaneous receipts for a specific time period. The report can be set up to show only a specific type of miscellaneous receipt, or you may elect to list only receipts taken in during a specific date range.  

  • For example, say you reconcile and report traveler's check sales once every week. This report could be set up to show any transactions within a 5-day period which use the miscellaneous receipt type code for traveler's checks.

  • CU*TIP: Similar analysis could also be done by creating a custom report or inquiry using the CU*BASE Report Builder. Simply Query file MSRCPT for transactions using a certain M/R code or within a certain date range. (This data could also be cross-referenced against your MASTER file if member names and addresses are needed.

  • Currently the report does not include miscellaneous receipt disbursements through the loan disbursal process.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Month-end reporting period

Enter the month and year for which data should be shown.  Normally three previous months are available.  To run a report using month-end data prior to the months held online, contact a Client Services Representative.  (There is a charge if this service is requested.)

Account base

(Optional) To pull the miscellaneous receipt report showing transactions with a specific member, enter the member's account base number here.

Day range (from - to)

(Optional) To pull the report showing transactions that occurred during a specific range of days (one day or multiple days), enter the starting and ending days here.

  • For example, to show transactions between the 1st and the 5th, enter “01” and “05” in these fields.

Teller ID

(Optional) To pull the report for transactions made by a specific employee, enter the ID here.

Miscellaneous receipt type code

(Optional) To show only transactions for a specific miscellaneous receipt type code, enter the code here.

  • For example, to see sales of traveler's checks only, enter your credit union's code for traveler's checks.

G/L account #

(Optional) To show only transactions posted to a specific G/L account, enter the account number here.

Sort selection

Use this field to indicate how the list should be sorted:

  • Teller Sort by teller ID

  • Account Sort by member account base number

  • Code Sort by miscellaneous receipt type code

  • Date Sort by transaction date (this is the default setting)

  • GL Sort by G/L account number


Report Sample

Following is a sample of the Miscellaneous Receipt Information Report, sorted by date.  You can also sort this information by other sorts, such as employee ID.

 1/29/13  13:33:54                                   ABC TEST CREDIT UNION                           LMR              PAGE

    RUN ON   1/29/13                          MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT INFORMATION REPORT                              USER

** SORTED BY DATE/TIME                                     FOR JAN, 2013


  P R O C E S S       ACCT   MISC                                             G/L    ............. U T I L I T Y ..............




 1/02/13   8:16:04     17777  IRA   04         60.00  FEDERAL WITHHOLDING   841.10                    PHONE OPERATOR

 1/02/13   8:17:03     17888  IRS   04         26.10  STATE WITHHOLDING     841.11                    PHONE OPERATOR

 1/02/13   8:27:27      8222  999   LK       4060.76  REESE ATM 1/2/13      725.36                    REESE ATM 1/2/13

 1/02/13   9:10:04 333333333  999   43        350.00  APPRAISAL             810.90                    ABC N/M

 1/02/13   9:36:17     44444   GF   06          2.00  FAX/COPY/TEMP CHEC    150.00                    4444TMT COPY