Participation Loan Balance Verification Report

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Report Name:


Participation Loan Balance Verification Report



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #577: Particip. Balance Verification Rpt.

The report is run by investor as needed after processing payments in a work file to identify participation loans where the member principal balance does not match the PL principal balance. The MBR PRIN BAL and PL PRIN BAL on the report provide a current snapshot of these balances.

If there are current day payments on a loan, this could cause the MBR PRIN BAL and PL PRIN BAL to not match. This is an acceptable difference and is because the payments have not been processed in the participation loan system yet.

The report is most useful for investors with loans 100% owned by the investor (PLI%=100) to identify the member and PL principal balances not matching. However, for loans owned less than 100% by the investor (PLI% less than100), the report can identify loans created in the PL system with the wrong PLI original investment amount.

  • NOTE: If there is only a slight difference in the member and PL principal balances, it can be due to how the PLI original investment amount was rounded when the loan was created in the PL system.

Report Column Descriptions

Field Name


Loan Acct

Loan Account Number and Type.

Current or Prev Mbr Prin Bal

Principal Balance from the member file (current or previous month, depending on the selection on the screen.  (Select the member account balance to use for the comparison to the participation loan balance.  Options are Current balance or End-of-month balance.)

The second column heading will be either CURR MBR PRIN BAL or EOM MBR PRIN BAL, depending on the selection made.


PLI Participation percentage from the PL record.

Calculated Prin Bal

This is the calculated principal balance using the member principal balance and multiplying by the PLI Participation % (Mbr Prin Bal times PLI %)

PL Prin Bal

Principal balance from the PL record.


Difference between the Calculated Prin Bal and the PL Prin Bal (Calced Prin Bal minus PL Prin Bal)

Last Tran Date

The last transaction date from the member file.

Report Sample



For complete details on the PL system, including configuring the necessary codes, creating participation loan records, processing investor settlement and using various reports, refer to the appropriate booklet.

·Participation Lending:  Fannie Mae Secondary Market Loan Servicing

·Participation Lending:  Freddie Mac Secondary Market Loan Processing

·Participation Lending:  FHLB Secondary Market Loan Servicing

·Participation Lending:  Standard 365 Loans and Other Loans