Printing Loan Variable Rate Configuration Information

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Panel Number:

Report Name:


Loan Variable Rate Configuration Report




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Access this screen by selecting Tool #660: Print Loan Variable Rate Config Report.

What rates are currently in place for my variable rate loans? Have the upcoming rate changes been scheduled yet? When was the last time rates were changed for my group type variable rate codes?

This report can give you quick answers to these questions by displaying all configured loan variable rate codes, showing both current rate settings and any pending rate changes. Enter the current month and year and use Enter to generate the report.

  • Note: An asterisk in the Pending Rate column indicates that the rate change is outside the configured floor/ceiling rate tolerance.  These rates are listed to the right of the report.  This happens when a change to an index causes the rate on a particular code to move above the ceiling or below the floor.  These variable rate codes should be analyzed, either to be retired or to adjust the floor or ceiling of the code.

Report Sample
