Tax Information Report - 1099/1098

Screen ID: 

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Panel Number:

Report Name:


List Tax File Information




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Access this screen by selecting Tool #1014: 1099/1098 Tax Information Report.

This report displays information from your credit union's tax file, to be used when verifying tax information for reporting to members and the IRS. Three reports are available: one for 1099-INT information, one for 1099-R information, and another for 1098 information. You can even print the report for a single Social Security number, if you need to check on a certain member's information.

  • VERIFICATION HINT: In addition to scanning data for obvious errors (unusually large dividend or interest amounts, for example), look for situations where there are two loan accounts for the same member, where both represent equity loans tied to the same property (may indicate a rewritten loan). Accounts closed during the tax year are also listed on this report in the "CL MT" column (Closed Seq/Month from the TAX file), indicated by a number in that field.

For complete information on when to print this report and how to update data in your tax file, refer to the current Year-End Processing Guide, available on our website:

Report Sample

Sample 1099-INT Tax Information Report


Sample 1098 Tax Information Report
