Build Compromised Cards File

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Build Compromised Cards File




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Access this screen by selecting Tool #1962: Build Compromised Card File

Use of this specific tool does not require upload authority, however, in order to generate the file using this tool, the vendor CAMs report must first be uploaded to CU*BASE by a credit union staff member with proper upload authority. Contact a client service representative for more information on Upload Authority.

Screen Overview

This tool is used in conjunction with Tool #374 File Upload (PC to System i) to create a customized file in your QUERYxx library, for use with Member Connect or a 3rd party mailing program to contact members that have been impacted by a compromised card situation.  

Using This Tool

Following an EFT data breach, your vendor generates a list that contains the impacted cardholders, called a CAMs file. After you've received your CAMs file, and ensured that the file is a .csv spreadsheet containing only the 19 digit card number and member name, upload the file to CU*BASE, using location QUERYxx and file name CAMSUPL. Once your file has been uploaded successfully with the correct name, use this tool, Tool #1962 Build Compromised Card file, which cross references the tables PANCARD (ATM/Debit cards) and CCCTGDAT (credit cards) with your CAMs file to create a new file called CAMSCOMP in your QUERYxx library. This file contains the last four of the card number, the account base, and the card status. This file can then be manipulated to be used in applications such as Member Connect or by services like Xtend, to contact members regarding the data breach.  

I received both ATM/Debit and a Credit Card CAMs listing. Can I use this process for both?

Yes! You can use this tool for both ATM/Debit and Credit cards. As this process uses the same file names each time, the process will overwrite the previous file data in both CAMSUPL and CAMPSCOMP every time you run it. It is recommended that you use this tool, complete your additional work such as Member Connect or joining the file to another file for an output, then using the tool for the additional CAMs file.

For detailed steps on how to complete this process, please refer to the comprehensive user guide CU*BASE and Compromised Cards.