Batch Unenroll Members from Bill Pay: Select Product

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Bill Pay Products Offered by the CU

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Access this screen using Tool #1116 Batch Unenroll Members from Bill Pay

This tool will prove valuable to help your credit union mitigate enrollment fraud experienced when bad actors gain access to multiple member accounts in order to initiate payments to false vendors. While this type of fraud is complex and fortunately rare, it does not stop it from happening in the financial landscape, and any new tool to quickly shut down bill pay access from these bad actors can help.

In addition, generating a file of members who may be enrolled in a bill pay service but don’t actively use the service, or never have, in order to remove them from the service can help maintain a cleaner database, and save on enrollment costs.

Using This Screen

Select the appropriate product from which you wish to unenroll members, and select to move to the next screen.