Mortgage Statement History Maintenance

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Mortgage Statement History File Maintenance


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #904: Update Mortgage Statement History.

Past payment history for mortgage loans is stored in a mortgage statement history file.  The last month and year-to-date figures for the “Past Payments Breakdown” section of the mortgage statement are populated from this file. In rare instances, data in this file may need to be adjusted, such as due to error correction or incorrect fee posting.  This allows the “Past Payments Breakdown” information (as of the previous month end) to be corrected prior to the statement being produced (mid-month).

Adjustments made via these screen impact only the mortgage statement history file.  Separate maintenance may also be necessary to the member account or member transaction history.

  • Important Note: Security access to mortgage statement history should be given only to mortgage experts

This screen contains an entry for each month where either a payment was made or a mortgage statement was generated.  Mortgage statement history records can be added, changed or viewed.  The corresponding year-to-date amount(s) will be adjusted based on the change. 

Select a record in the listing and Change to advance to the next screen where you can make adjustments to the record.