Universal Share Draft Cross Reference

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Update Universal Cross Reference


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #886: Update Check Proc. Cross Reference File (Shortcut: xref).

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Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on how to use CU*BASE to complete tasks related to statements/reports.

Screen Overview

This screen is used when the account numbers which are transmitted during check processing may not match those used by the CU*BASE system. The cross reference tells the system which CU*BASE account number should be used if a “foreign” account number is transmitted.

  • For example, say a member had an old account with your credit union with the account number 1234#8. Since your conversion to CU*BASE, that account number is now 1234-008. However, this member still has some old checks coded with the original number which may attempt to clear from his account. On this screen, you would enter “12348” in the Cross Reference I.D. field, and “1234-008” in the Account Number fields on the second screen

  • NOTE:  You can review the XRWORK file to view merger record, along with MICR line corrections.

As this process is normally handled for you during your credit union's conversion to CU*BASE, this feature is rarely used. Contact a client service representative for assistance.