Loan Category Configuration: Credit Cards

Screen ID:  n/a
Screen Title: Credit Card Number Presentation
Panel ID: 2316
Tool Number: n/a
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Access this screen by selecting "Format CC #" (F12) on thethird Credit Card Configuration screen. This screen will appear when configuring a loan category with Process Type “V” for online credit cards.

In the first field (Portion of C/C account # to display), enter the number of digits to be displayed when viewing credit card information online in CU*BASE. In the second field (Portion of C/C account # to print), enter the number of digits to be printed on billing statements and member receipts. A maximum of 4 digits is recommended to protect your member’s privacy.

Remember that the idea is to give enough characters so that the member can easily identify one card from another, but not so many that a full card number could be guessed by an unauthorized person.