OTB Transaction History

Screen ID: IOTBTRN-01
Screen Title: Transaction History
Panel ID: 6088
Tool Number: Multiple
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This screen appears after choosing the History option on the Phone Operator main screen, or after using the Transaction Inquiry button on the OTB Loan Account Inquiry screen, for an OTB loan product that has been set up to receive transaction history from a third-party OTB vendor.

This screen displays any transaction history records we have received from your OTB vendor. The Balance column will appear only if the flag has been checked in your OTB product configuration to use resulting balance (depends on whether you receive the resulting balance amount from your vendor or not.)

To see additional details about the transaction, if any, select the item in the list and use Select to display the Additional Transaction Information window.

To learn more about displaying transaction history for your OTB products, refer to the booklet, Tracking "Off Trial Balance" (OTB) Products with CU*BASE.