Phone: Account Processing

Screen ID:  IPHACT-01
Screen Title: Phone Operator Account Processing
Panel ID: 393
Tool Number: n/a
    Click here to magnify

This screen will appear after choosing an account on the initial Phone Operator member lookup screen. If comments exist for this member, the Member Account Comments pop-up window may appear first.

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Show Me the Steps: Learn how to complete member/non-member personal information tasks.

Show Me the Steps: Learn how to use Phone Operator action codes.

Screen Overview

This screen, called the Phone Operator Account Processing screen, shows information on all of the member's active accounts. On this screen you can view basic information about all account types, as well as information about the membership itself, including joint owners and Household information.


  • A happy birthday message will be displayed in red if today is the member’s birthday. Don't forget to wish your member a Happy Birthday!  

  • DECEASED will display in red by the member name information if a Date of Death exists on the member record.

  • If you see the member's last name highlighted in yellow, a long last name is on file to view. Select the spyglass images\magnifyingglasslookup_shg.gif to view a popup window with the member's full last name.

  • If you see the member's address, phone number or email is highlighted in yellow, this indicates that it has been marked as wrong.  

  • If you see ****** asterisks in place of some of the personal information on this screen, this is due to the fact that this screen is subject to Privacy Controls.

  • Members can request special names be assigned to their individual sub-accounts. Called “Account Nicknames,” these descriptions are assigned using the Update Account Nicknames feature, and can be viewed using Nicknames (F21) on this inquiry screen. Click for more information on this feature.

Integration between CU*BASE and Your Imaging Solution

The “Scan e-Document” or "No ID on File" buttons will present ProDOC to scan a photo ID into your eDocuments archive.  The “View e-Document” or "Verify My ID" buttons also retrieve all archived photo IDs for the member (by Social Security number.)

Logging Member Cross Sales Activity

If Cross Sales Shortcuts have been activated in your Teller/Member Service Workflow Controls, a member service representative can enter the Need Group #, Task # and Memo Type codes for a cross-sales task using the fields at the bottom of this screen.

This is intentionally a no-frills shortcut. There are no lookups for these fields; just type the three codes and click Log! The system will automatically fill in the employee ID, date, and a generic block of text for the Tracker note. You can even log multiple tasks, one after the other, without ever leaving the screen.

Membership Designations and Related Procedures

The title at the top of the screen (such as “Individual” or “Trust” or “Sole Proprietorship,” etc.) is taken from the Membership Designation code on this account. The membership designation will also control what label appears in front of the member's name (such as “Name” or “Owner” or “Trustee,” etc.).

Click images\proceeduresclickfor_shg.gif to read your credit union's configured procedure tips for handling a membership of this kind.

Tiered Service Level

The Tiered Service Points badge in the upper right corner of the screen displays the member's current Tiered Service level. Click to display the Tiered Points Inquiry which gives a quick breakdown of the Tiered Service points awarded to the member, including a listing of possible points, points earned for this month, points earned for last month, points earned year to date, and lifetime points.

Seeing a Graphic or Message in the Lower Right Hand Corner? Next Suggested Product

If a task assigned to the member is designated as a “Next Suggested Product” task, this screen may have text or a graphic in the lower left corner of this screen.  If you place your mouse over this area, your mouse will change into a hand, indicating that you should click on this section of the screen.  Once you click this area, you will be taken to the Cross Sales Task screen where you will view only the that task.

Next Suggested Product is part of the Cross Sales feature and allows credit unions to alert employees that the member they are assisting is pre-qualified for a promotion offered by the credit union. For more information, refer to the booklet Cross Selling Credit Union Services and Next Suggested Product.

Field Descriptions

Following is a description of the data about the member you can see in the top half of the screen, above the list of account suffixes:


The member's full name. (This label may read something different depending on the Membership Designation code for this membership. For example, if this is designated as a Trust account, this label might read “Trust Name” instead.)


The DBA label associated with the membership. The DBA appears if the membership designation is configured to show a DBA name on the Membership Configuration detail screen.

Account #

The member's account base.

Name ID

The 2-character name ID assigned to the member. Commonly the first two-digits of the member's last name, this ID is used by many credit unions as a way of confirming a member's account number.

Corp ID

The credit union corporation number to which this member belongs (usually 01 except for multi-corp organizations).

Why do I see Corp ID on many CU*BASE screens?

ID Info (in the gray box along the left edge)


The Social Security number (for individual members) or Tax Identification Number (for organizations) for the primary member.  Asterisks *** indicate privacy control settings are in effect for this workstation.


The member's birthdate. A happy birthday message will be displayed in red if today is the member’s birthday. Don't forget to wish your member a Happy Birthday!  

Code word

This shows any other secret word designated by the member to be used for security purposes.

Mother's maiden name

This field shows the member's mother's maiden name, which is sometimes used for security reasons as well as by some ATM/Debit Card vendors for verification purposes.

Driver's license

The members driver's license number

Contact Information

This tab displays contact information for the member.


These fields show the member's street address, city, state and ZIP code.

  • NOTE: The text “Alt. Addr.” will appear highlighted next to the address if this member has an alternate mailing address record (even if it is not currently active). If the member has a secondary/street address record, it will read “2nd Addr” instead.

  • If this entry is highlighted, this means that it was marked as wrong.

  • Use the Print button to print an envelope with the members address.

Phone #1

Phone #2

More # Go!

These fields show the primary member's first two sequenced phone contact numbers as configured.  

If more are available, a “More #” Go! button will appear so you can view the others, as well as comments and other details. If the number appears highlighted, it means that number has been marked as wrong. If the label appears highlighted, it means there are additional comments recorded for that number.

SEE ALSO: Understanding the Phone Number Database


The member's email address, if any.

Click the envelope icon in front of the address to start a new email message to this address using whatever email program is on this workstation (you must have email software already loaded).


  • If this entry is highlighted, this means that it was marked as wrong.

  • CU*TIP: Since the email address field is 100 characters long, if the member's email address is too long to display on this screen you will see a View Email Address button that will display a window showing the full address. That window will include a button to generate an email message as well.


The date on which this membership was opened.

Buttons on the Contact Information Tab

My Other Accounts

Click this button to move to a screen listing all accounts this member is either primary, secondary or a co-borrower.

Secondary Names

This button gives you access to the secondary names on the account, including joint owners, beneficiaries, misc. owners (beneficial owners, POD, POA, etc.) and loan additional signers.  If your credit union uses electronic photo ID capture, this button will give you access to photos of these members. You can also record here whether an ID was collected for the person by checking the ID on File checkbox.

Authenticate Me

This button appears as a link to MemberPass third-party authentication service.

Learn more about this service in the Imaging Solutions Store.

Once your credit union has been enrolled in MemberPass, this link will launch a browser window, sending information about the credit union, the member account, and the person being served to the authenticate website. The site will check to see if the member has already enrolled for MemberPass (if not, enrollment options will be displayed). If the member is already enrolled, the site will activate the authentication process, which sends a message to the member’s phone.


If a member has follow-ups on Tracker conversations associated with his or her account and the Tracker Type is configured to show the Follow-Ups button, this button will appear on the Products tab. Click it to move to the Work with Follow-Ups screen so that you can update the Tracker conversation. This button will only be clickable if follow-ups exist for the member.

Online Banking

This button provides access to the Online Banking Usage inquiry window, which provides information about a member's use of your credit union's online services, including:

  • Online banking usage statistics and last logged in date.  Look for a Last Logged in date to determine the last time (or if) the member has logged into online banking.

  • E-statement enrollment status

  • Bill pay enrollment status

  • eAlert/e-Notice subscriptions

  • PIB Profile

Cross Sales

If the button reads “Cross Sales”, click it to display the Sales Tools window to access the Cross Sales Tracking task list or other CU*BASE sales tools.


If the button reads “Pre-Approvals” click it to display the Credit Report Decision screen showing the results of the auto-decision process for this member. (Used only if your credit union has Auto Decisions set up with your credit bureau, and the member has a current credit report on file.)

Print Envelope

To print an envelope with the member’s address, simply click the Print Envelope button. You will move to the screen where you can print an address for the selected account, with or without a return address.

  • NOTE:  If a user’s workstation is configured as “Call Center” (is configured as “Other") and the Address line is masked in Privacy controls, the Print Envelope button will not work. Learn more: Privacy Controls.

Household Statistics

Click this button to display the Household Members screen showing everyone in this member's household. From this screen you may enroll a new member into the household, delete a current member, move a member to a different household, modify the database information on a specific member, or view statistics about the household as a whole. Click the Household Statistics button to use this feature.

  • If a user’s workstation is configured as “Call Center” (is configured as “Other Staff”), the Household Statistics” button will not function. Learn more: Privacy Controls.

Member Data

This tab displays additional data about the membership, including marital status, full middle name, and contact information.

Marital status

The marital status of the member.

Full middle name

This full middle name field is not a replacement for the middle initial field in the member’s name. This full middle name does not appear on any other screens and is simply a holder for this information, for example for the use of filling out governmental forms.


This field is used as an additional reference field to help identify a member. You will see this field on many inquiry screens. A typical use is for an old account number used before conversion to CU*BASE.

Employee #

(Appears on the Individual screen only.) An optional employee identification number, such as a time card number.

Account executive

The Employee ID for the credit union staff responsible for overseeing this member's account. This might represent a personal investment counselor, a preferred loan officer, or even a specific MSR that has a special relationship with this member.


This field shows the SEG/Sponsor name recorded on this member's account. This is used to show how the member was eligible for credit union membership.


The credit union branch to which this member was assigned when the membership was opened.

Reason code

The code indicating the reason this membership was opened. These are configured by your credit union. NOTE: This is the code that is stored on the MASTER membership record. 

SEE ALSO: Why use reason codes?

SEE ALSO: How can I change the open reason code stored on an active membership or account?

Preferred contact method

The member’s preferred method of contact. “Other Phone” is used to designate a cell phone as the preferred method of contact.

These labels are configured in Tool #1038 Configure Contact Preferences

3rd party opt out

This box is checked to mark this member for exclusion from marketing and solicitation third party emails and marketing communications. Exclusion for this field is included in several locations including the Member Connect Marketing screen, List Generator, and Sales Tracker-Generate Leads from File. Members can also select to opt out through Online Banking.

CU contact opt out

This box is checked to mark this member for exclusion from credit union generated emails and marketing communications that might be educational in nature, such as information about a better certificate rate or loan rate offering. Exclusion for this field is included in several locations including the Member Connect Marketing screen, List Generator, and Sales Tracker-Generate Leads from File. Members can also select to opt out through Online Banking.

The presence of this button indicates that custom information has been recorded for this membership. Click it to access a screen to view custom field data.  

Using custom fields your credit union can create and maintain unlimited custom fields that are unique to your credit union. You define the field name as well as the rules that control what data can be entered:  dollar amounts, quantity, percentage, text, yes/no checkbox, date, or a defined list (the selections of which you will also define) on the membership custom data configuration screen, then input the data on the membership open or update screen and view it in the "Member Data" tab on this screen.


This tab displays other details about the membership, including Marketing Clubs, OTB types, etc.

Allow shared branch transactions

If checked, this member will be able to use normal shared branch services (Xtend or National/Co-Op).

If a member has abused shared branch privileges, this may be unchecked to block him or her from using any shared branches.

Block from shared branching for __ more days

This conditional field appears if your credit union has turned on a latency period for allowing shared branching activity in the related configuration. This cannot be changed on a per member basis, and is only for reference based on the master configuration.

Household #

If this member has been enrolled into the Household Database, this field shows the Household number assigned.


This field shows any Marketing Clubs to which this member belongs. The codes for only the first three clubs can be shown; an asterisk (*) will appear if the member belongs to more than three clubs.


This indicates what types of cards or Off Trial Balance (OTB) accounts this member currently has. The text will be in blue if the member has an OTB account.

ATM - ATM Card

DEBT - Debit Card

CRDT - OTB credit card account

SAVE - OTB savings account (such as an investment account)

LOAN - OTB loan account (such as a third-party mortgage)

SEE ALSO: Tracking "Off Trial Balance" (OTB) Products with CU*BASE.

Denial reason
Denial date

If this membership was flagged so that additional memberships for this same SSN/TIN would be denied automatically, these fields will show the denial type code that designates the reason for the denial, as well as the date on which the flag was set.


The date of death, if this member is deceased. The word “DECEASED” will also appear in red at the upper-right corner of the screen.

To prevent unauthorized withdrawals, if a date has been entered into this field, the system may automatically place a freeze (3) on ALL accounts under this membership. If so, a corresponding comment will also appear in the member comment window. (This is a configurable flag; contact a client service representative if you wish to change how deceased members are handled.)

A2A Relationships

Quickly access a member’s Account-to Account relationships they have with your credit union. If none exist, this will be indicated with "NONE."

Transaction Activity

Click this button to view the Transaction Activity window showing a summary of this member's transaction activity, by delivery channel (i.e., ATM, Teller, ACH, etc.) for the previous three months.

Status Flags

Maintenance on these settings can be done in Membership Update

Last contacted

The last date there was any contact with this member.

For example: Say a member is temporarily out of the country. During this time the account becomes dormant. The member calls to obtain account balance information. Although no transaction takes place, you could enter the date the member called here, thus taking the account out of dormancy.

Statement group

This field is used to assign this member to a statement group, based on how statements will be handled for the member. Zero (0) is used for statements which should be printed, archived, and mailed to the member. Codes 1 through 9 are credit union-defined and control whether statements are printed and returned to the credit union for special handling, or archived only without printing them.

NOTE: If a member has a statement code other than 0, this member will not be able to be enrolled in e-Statements until the code is removed. If the member is enrolled in eStatement, you will not be able to enter a statement code until that member is un-enrolled from e-Statements. To unenroll a member from e-Statements refer to this screen.

Deposit hold group

This will show the member's current Electronic Deposit Hold status.

Employee Type

(Appears on the Individual screen only.) An optional information flag. This can be used in conjunction with Employee Security to control an employee's access to the system (e.g., for credit union employees).

Codes are configured using the “Insider/Employee Type” feature (Tool #517: Member/Employee (Insider) Type Config.). Click here for a discussion on using Insider/Employee Type codes for better data security.

Check hold status

This field can be used to prevent check holds (uncollected funds) from affecting the available balance for all accounts under this membership.

Waive all holds - Stored as “0” on the MASTER record, this flag means that check holds (uncollected funds) placed on any of this member's accounts will not affect the balance available for withdrawal. This should be used in rare cases where a member should never be subject to a check hold.

Reduce available bal by holds - Stored as “1” on the MASTER record, this flag means that check holds will reduce the member's available balance for the duration of the hold period. (This is usually the choice for most memberships.)

Misc (mail) codes

These two fields are used for miscellaneous credit union-defined codes that can be helpful when generating mailings or performing Queries on member accounts.

Certification of SSN

Government regulations require your credit union to keep records on the validity of your members' Social Security numbers. Normally, this is accomplished by having the member sign a certificate stating that the SSN you have in the system is correct. The status of the certificate is represented by a code stored in this field.

 C Certified

 M Missing or incorrect TIN

 N No mailing sent

 P Pending certification

Due diligence

This field is used to manually flag a member for special monitoring based on the results of internal due diligence efforts.

To help you audit these accounts, use the Insider/Employee Account Audit Report (on MNAUDT) to monitor activity for all flagged members.

Foreign citizen

(Appears on the Individual screen only.) Used to indicate whether or not the member is a foreign citizen, and governs whether or not dividend and interest information will be reported to the government. If the member is not a United States citizen, check this field to indicate foreign citizenship; this membership will be excluded from any IRS tax reporting or forms.

Proxy ballot

If this is checked, this member will be allowed to vote via proxy ballot. If unchecked, this member can be omitted from mailings of voting ballots.

Dividend Withholding

If this is checked, the member is subject to dividend withholding. The standard backup withholding percentage will be deducted from any dividend payments and placed in your credit union's configured G/L account.

Exclude from dormancy

There are situations where it is necessary to exclude a membership from ever being monitored for dormancy. A common situation is when a person opens a membership because he/she is listed as a co-signer on a loan, but has no intention of actively using the membership.

This flag is used to exclude this membership from being monitored for dormant status or assessed any fees. Place a checkmark here to exclude this member from ever being declared dormant, regardless of transaction activity.

SEE ALSO: CU*BASE Dormancy and Escheat Monitoring

Force monthly statement

This field is intended to allow credit unions to force the system to generate a monthly statement every month for a particular membership, even if they wouldn't normally meet the requirements to receive one every month (due to things like account activity, presence of a particular account type, etc.). Since widespread use of this might increase your statement costs, we recommend you give your staff some guidelines on when it should and should not be used.

Decision Advice

Use this area to access a CLR Path Advisor Score

CLR Path (Character Lending on Reputation) is a free tool that lets you evaluate the strength of your relationship with a member based on data in CU*BASE (such as length of membership and number of delinquencies), giving you tools without the need to pull (or pay for) a credit score.

Get a new CLR Path score or see an existing one by clicking the following buttons: Get Advice and See Advice. If the feature is not activated, you can access the CU*Answers store to sign up.

Learn more: CLR Path Decision Advisor booklet and Overview: CLR Path Decision Advisor

List of Member Sub-Accounts

Why do I see an available amount to withdraw on a certificate when my credit union does not allow withdrawals on certificates through teller processing?

This section shows all of this member's existing accounts, including savings, certificates and loans.


This column shows the account type suffix for all of the accounts held by this member.


A description of the account type. (HINT: Use Nicknames (F21) to see the account nickname requested by the member, if any.)

Loan PayOff/
Current Balance

For loans, this shows the current payoff amount. For other types of accounts, such as share or checking, this field shows the current balance of the account.

Loan Payment/
Net Available

For loans, this shows the periodic payment for the loan. For other types of accounts, this field shows the amount currently available for release.

  • If a loan is delinquent, this field shows the amount needed to bring the loan current.

Next Payment/
Last Transaction/
CD Maturity Date

For loans, this column shows the next payment due date. For certificates, this column shows the date on which the CD matures. For other types of accounts, this column shows the date of the last activity on the account.

Misc. Indicators

Columns with a “Y” indicate that the account type has one of the following features associated with it.  Click on the images\go!_shg.gif button (if available) to learn more.

IRA - This is an IRA account.

ATM -  This account is available for transactions via an ATM or Debit card.

AFT -  An AFT (Automatic Funds Transfer) record has been set up to transfer funds TO this account. Use AFT (F16) to view AFT/CFT records for this member.

P/R -  Indicates whether this account has a payroll base deposit record, or receives distributions via the payroll system.

FRZ -  This code indicates if the account is frozen. Click here for a list of freeze codes.

TRK -  There is a Tracker record associated with this account.

ACH -  This account has a current record in the ACH Distribution Master file, either for a base deposit or a subsequent distribution. Use F10-ACH to view ACH records for this member.

  • NOTE: A “P” in this column means there is an incoming item in the ACH warehouse waiting to be posted for this member. Use ACH (F10) to view details.

ODP -  This account has Overdraft Protection set up to cover overdrafts made on this account.

BOX -  A Safe Deposit box fee is taken from this account. Use Box (F11) to view the current box(es) rented by this member.

J/O -  If a dot appears in this column, there is at least one joint owner recorded on this account (will not appear if only a beneficiary and/or misc. owner is attached). Click the dot to view the Secondary Names Linked to This Account screen for this account.  (To see all secondary names for all sub-accounts, use the Secondary Names button, located in the Contact Information tab, to display the Secondary Names Inquiry screen.)

Account type desired

Type the account suffix and use Enter to see additional details about this account.

Go! Buttons in the Account List

In the list of account suffixes, in the right-hand columns a Y indicates something exists), a P indicates a pending ACH, and a dot means that nothing exists for this feature for each of the sub-accounts.  Click the images\go!_shg.gif button at the top of these columns to access view-only versions of the member’s individual configured settings:


Accesses the Cards/OTB Inquiry used to find information on all the cards the member currently holds.  This is handy for those “I lost my wallet” questions—now you can see all the cards the member has in his or her possession! All cards (ATM Debit and Credit) as well as all OTB records will be shown and will allowing you to choose them for more detail.


Accesses the Automatic Transfer Inquiry screen, used to view instructions for Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) or Check Funds Transfer (CFT) records.


Accesses the Member Track Review screen, used to review Trackers and perform maintenance on them.


Accesses the ACH Distribution screen, which displays all ACH master records for the member.

  • NOTE: If your credit union has activated the flag to allow distribution maintenance from Phone Op, these screens will allow you to add, modify and delete ACH distributions as well. Refer to the Teller and Member Service Controls screen where it is activated for more information.


Accesses the Search Safety Deposit Box screen), which displays any existing safe deposit boxes being rented by this member

Using Action Codes

To perform an action on any of the accounts, select the account in the list and use any of these Actions, shown below the account list:

Show Me The Steps: Learn how to use Phone Operator Action Codes

Action Code



This action shows the average balance for an account over the past 60 days, regardless of dividend period.

  • The average balance shown when using the Inquiry action is just for the current dividend period.

Bump Rate

Bump rate certificates allow the member to “bump” the rate to a more advantantageous rate during the term of the CD. If this is allowed by the certificate type and if the member has not used all the available “bumps,” use this option to change the member’s rate.


This action code displays a check disbursement screen used for printing checks paid from a member account.

CC Inquiry

Use this to display information from a member's credit card statement, including balances owed by charge type (for CU*BASE online credit card loan accounts only).

SEE ALSO: Online Credit Card Processing User Guide

Catch Up

Only visible when the member has a delinquent credit card. Use this to access the Payment Catch Up Calculator.


Use this action to see a detailed history of transactions for this account. This feature is very flexible, allowing you to see just debits, just credits, or just cancelled checks, as well as to search for specific transactions.

  •  This is the default choice; double-click any account type or select it and use Enter to choose this option automatically.

If your credit union is configured to display OTB products in Inquiry/Phone, and you also receive transaction history data from your OTB vendor, you can select the OTB account in the list and use this to display the OTB Transaction History screen. Refer to the booklet,Tracking "Off Trial Balance" (OTB) Products with CU*BASE for more details on activating this functionality.






Use this action to perform a standard inquiry on the details and history of the account. These will be the same inquiry screens as when using the standard Member Inquiry feature.


This action code will provide a printed transaction history report.

Misc Receipts

This action code displays a miscellaneous receipts screen used to take in funds and apply them to a G/L account number (e.g., ticket sales or other miscellaneous charges). You may also use this option make a transfer to an Off Trial Balance (OTB) account, for example to make a loan payment. (You will not see the OTB account on this screen.)

  • NOTE: This feature will not be available if Phone Operator was accessed via the Teller Posting screen (Process Code P) for a shared branch member.


This action code lets you update the Account Nickname for the selected account.

Payoff (365 day calc)

Payoff (360 day calc)

Payoff (credit card)

This action code is a very powerful inquiry feature which gives you loan payoff information, either for the current date, or for any date in the future.  If you select a 365-day calc. loan, you will advance to the standard payoff screen.  If you select a 360-day calc. loan, you will advance to the mortgage payoff screen. If you select a credit card, you will advance to the credit card payoff screen.

The same features can be accessed without access to Phone Operator by using Tool 1235: Loan Payoff Estimator.

SB Transfer

This action code begins the Xtend/CU*BASE phone operator transfer. This option appears when the configuration is activated in Tool #814 Shared Branch Configuration.

SEE MORE: Xtend Shared Branching booklet

Skip Pay

Use this to opt-in a member for a Skip Pay program. If a member's loan is applicable for multiple configured Skip Pay programs, this screen will be presented first to select the program. Otherwise, this shortcut will bring you to this screen to process the Skip Pay immediately.

SEE ALSO: Skip Payment for Consumer Loans or Skip-a-Pay for Online Credit Cards

NOTE:  Account security is used to evaluate whether an employee can use this feature. Learn more here.


This action code displays the stop payment screen used to issue a stop pay request on one or more member checks.


This action code displays the member transfer screens, allowing you to make transfers from one account to another.


To post a wire transfer withdrawal (or deposit) and associated fee to the member's account. The wire information will then be recorded in the CU*BASE Wire Tracking system, ready to be marked as completed once the actual wire itself has been performed.

SEE ALSO: Wire Transfers in CU*BASE


These buttons appear on the left side of the screen. Buttons marked with indicate that a record exists, or that member information related to the button is available.



Verify My ID

Use this to view the member's driver's license (if scanned) to verify a member's personal information.

Comments (F1)

Use this to display the Member Comments window.

If this appears with an orange exclamation point, this member has at least one comment

New Account (F5)

Use this to return to the first Phone Op screen and select a different member account base.

Closed Accounts (F6)

Use this to access closed accounts for the membership.

Add Cmt/Message (F9)

Use this to add or update Comments that will appear when the Member Comments window is displayed.

Check Digit (F12)

Use this to take you to the check digit calculator

Name/Address (F14)

Use this to update name and address information for the member, as well as contact phone numbers.

Sales Tools (F15)

Use this to display the Sales Tools pop-up window for access to various CU*BASE sales and marketing tools.

OTB/Cards (F17)

Use this to view information about ATM and debit cards, as well as any Off Trial Balance (OTB) credit card, savings or loan accounts for this member.

If this appears with a orange exclamation point, this member has at least one record in the Plastics/OTB file.

If this appears with a red exclamation point, the member has at least one hot card record in the Plastics/OTB file.

Tax File Inquiry (F18)

Use this to see all tax information for a specific member in one place.

ARU/HB Transfers (F19)

If your credit union uses Audio Transfer Control to control to which accounts a member can transfer funds in Audio Response or Online Banking, use this to display a list of accounts authorized to receive transfers from this member.

Statements (F20)

This is used to activate the CU*Spy Report and Statement retrieval system, to print a copy of a previous month's statement for this member.

  • NOTE: If you are assisting a member from another credit union through Shared Branching, you will not be allowed by the system to access the member’s statement.

  • If your credit union processes statements through Sage Direct, you will see a screen appear first that lets you either view statements in CU*Spy, or view the Statement Audit inquiry showing the status of statement mailings to this member. If you just wish to view a member statement, just press Enter when the window displays.

Nicknames (F21)

Use this to toggle the Description column to display account nicknames instead of the standard description. (The button will appear with blue text if any nicknames have been set up for this member.)

HINT: Did you know you can make nicknames display as the default when you first view this inquiry screen? Contact a Client Service Rep. to activate nicknames as the default. (self-processors can make this change using OPER Tool #5427 Master CU Parameter Config) This toggle key can then be used to see the standard description.

Toggle Card # (F22)


Use this to toggle the Description column to display the last few digits of the credit card number (for CU*BASE online credit card loan accounts only).

  • HINT: Did you know you can make the card # display as the default when you first view this inquiry screen? Contact a Client Service Rep. to activate this as the default. (self-processors can make this change using OPER Tool #5427 Master CU Parameter Config) This toggle feature can then be used to see the standard description.

SEE ALSO: Online Credit Card Processing User Guide

A2A History (F24)

Use this to see a history of Account to Account (A2A) transfers for this member.

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