Generating Telemarketing Trackers from a Database File
Screen ID: Screen Title:
Panel Number: Report Name: |
UTKGEN-01 Generate Telemarketing Trackers from Database File 6692 UKGEN1 |
Access this screen by selecting Tool #312: Create Tracker Notes/Leads from File.
One of the most powerful features of the CU*BASE Telemarketing Leads and Follow-ups system is that it can be used as part of a comprehensive marketing or promotional campaign, to track and follow up with member responses. In order to accomplish this, CU*BASE can automatically generate a batch of telemarketing trackers using a list of memberships in a database file. This database file can be created from the same Query used to define the mailing list for the original promotion.
For example, when using the CU*BASE Selective Statement Inserts feature to include marketing pieces in select member statement envelopes, you must create a special file that contains all of the account numbers that should receive the special insert. The same file could then be used by the auto-generation feature to generate a telemarketing tracker entry for each member on the insert list.
This feature is used to flood members with a Task created for Next Suggested Product. Refer to the booklet Cross Selling Credit Union Services and Next Suggested Product.
Additionally, this feature isn’t just for sales leads, but also for making a batch of notes for any reason. Use this feature to identify members with specific notes in their Tracker records for auditing and research purposes. For example, you might use this feature to record that you have had a communication with a group of clients. In this case you would create a file containing these members, use a Tracker Type other than ST and use the Tracker Text area to define your search. Once the process is run, the members in the file will have a Tracker conversation with the text appended to their Auditing Tracker or other Tracker, as selected.
Step 1 is to prepare the database file. Refer to the Sales Tracker booklet for details on this step.
Step 2 is to use this screen to generate the Tracker records. Remember that all trackers will be attached to the base share (-000) account suffix automatically. Complete all fields (described below) and use Enter to generate the trackers.
Press Enter to move to the confirmation screen, which will list the number of records in the file. Press Enter to generate the Tracker records.
Press Enter or use F5-Create Trackers to create the Trackers. Once you have created the Trackers, a message will appear at the bottom of the screen showing how many tracker records were created. Be sure to verify this number against the total number of records from the database you created earlier. (Remember that a minor discrepancy might exist if any memberships were closed between the time the database was created and trackers were generated.) Additionally a report listing the Tracker records that were generated is printed.
You do not need to use the Sales Tracker Type to use this option. Depending on the type of Tracker, different fields also may be required.
Field Descriptions
Field Name |
Description |
Use accounts from database file name |
Enter the database file name as stored in your QUERYxx library. Refer to the Sales Tracker booklet for instructions on creating this file. For Next Suggested Product, enter the database file name as stored in your QUERYxx library that you created for this Next Suggested Product promotion. Refer to the booklet Cross Selling Credit Union Services and Next Suggested Product. |
Create as tracker type |
Enter the Tracker Type to be created. This type must be configured to display in the Sales Tracker system if used for Sales Tracker and Cross Sales. If used for the Notes feature, then any configured Tracker Type can be used.
SEE ALSO:ConfiguringTracker Types For Next Suggested Product, enter the Tracker Type ST. Refer to the booklet Cross Selling Credit Union Services and Next Suggested Product. |
Append to existing tracker |
When this checkbox is selected (the default) the Tracker generated will append itself to the existing Tracker of the same type as another conversation. For example, a new ST tracker will append to the existing ST tracker. It is recommended that you leave this checked. If this option is unchecked, the system will create new Trackers for members, even if they already have one of that type, and regardless of what the "Allow multiple trackers of this type per membership" configuration is set to in Tool #277 Configure Tracker Types. For Next Suggested Product, leave this field checked. Refer to the booklet Cross Selling Credit Union Services and Next Suggested Product. |
Create as memo type |
the Memo Type to be assigned to the conversation note that will
be created when the new Tracker record is created. Click the lookup
button SEE ALSO:Configuring Tracker Memo Types |
Tracker key word |
It is not recommended that you enter anything but an existing Tracker Type name here. Entering a different name will generate an entirely new Tracker.
Tracker follow-up date |
Enter the follow-up date to be assigned to each tracker.
Assign telemarketer ID |
Enter the Employee ID that should be assigned to follow-up with these trackers. Remember that these trackers will not only appear in the Sales Tracker screen, but also within that employee's normal member follow-up trackers. This field is required but not used by the Next Suggested Product feature. Refer to the booklet Cross Selling Credit Union Services and Next Suggested Product. |
Tracker text |
Enter up to five lines of text for the tracker itself.
Assign cross sales need group Corp ID Assign cross sales task |
these fields to “link” these trackers to a task on your Cross
Sales Task List. Enter the Need Group, Corporation and Task number
that will be used to track the status of this tracker. (Click
the help button Enter 1 or your Corp ID, if appropriate. For example, if you are generating trackers as a way to follow up on a direct mail or statement insert campaign, you would also create a cross sales task such as “Checking Acct Promo follow-up” and assign that task's need group and task number to these trackers. As the telemarketer follows up with the member, the Cross Sales system would be used to track the member's response.
Exclude for members flagged for 3rd party marketing opt out |
Check this box to exclude members from marketing and solicitation third party emails and marketing communications. Members are marked on the Update Individual and Update Organization screens or on the Member Misc. Information Maintenance screen accessed via Teller, Inquiry and Phone Operator. Members can also select to opt out through Online Banking. |
Exclude for members flagged for CU contact opt out |
Check this box to exclude members from credit union generated emails and marketing communications that might be educational in nature, such as information about a better certificate rate or loan rate offering. Members are marked on the Update Individual and Update Organization screens or on the Member Misc. Information Maintenance screen accessed via Teller, Inquiry and Phone Operator. Members can also select to opt out through Online Banking. |
Exclude members with written off loans |
Check this box to exclude members with written off loans from receiving Trackers created in this manner. This means the LWRTOFF field (column) is equal to 1 in the MEMBER5 or MEMBER6 file (table). |
Report Example