Configuring Memo Type Codes (1)

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Memo Type Definition


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #260: Configure Memo Type Codes for Trackers.

Helpful Resources

Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on how to use CU*BASE to complete tasks related to Trackers.

How do I set up my memo code for to track members scheduling recurring Account-to-Account (A2A) automated funds transfers (A2AAFT) in online banking?

Screen Overview

This is the first of two screens used to set up Memo Type codes for Member Tracker records. Memo Type codes are attached to each individual conversation note within a Tracker record. Each Memo Type is configured to be associated with a tracker type

For example, in the Collection Card Tracker record you could flag a conversation note as “Promise to Pay” or “Bankrupt” or “Disability Insurance Coverage Begun” or “Disability Insurance Claim Pending,” and so on. For your Sales Tracker, you could use memo types such as “Contact Member” or “Not Interested” or “Pending,” and so on.

  • CU*TIP:  CU*BASE features such as the Work Collections screen will show the memo type from the most recent conversation (the collector can also see memo types from other conversations, too, of course).

  • Sales Tracker Memo Types are used in the Cross Sales feature and the Work Sales Tracker screen.

Enter a two-character code and use Enter to proceed to the second screen.

  • The Ext Link column on this screen indicates whether this Memo Type supports external links.

  • The UW Secure column indicates whether this Memo Type supports permanent underwriting Trackers.  Learn more about permanent underwriting Trackers.

  • The Monitor Payment column indicates whether this Memo Type supports CU*BASE monitoring for member deposits, such as Promise-to-Pay transaction.  Learn more about Promise-to-Pay and other transaction monitoring.

To sort by Tracker type, use Sort by Tracker Type (F9), or select a specific Tracker at the top of the screen.