Member Age Analysis Report

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


Age Distribution Analysis



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #121: Age Distribution Analysis Report.

These screens are used to print a report that compares your member's ages with the types of accounts they hold, to help you analyze market penetration as well as member service trends. For example, what age group typically buys the most certificates? Is there an age group to which you should market your Christmas Club or line-of-credit lending products more aggressively? Since the approach you might use to sell a product to a 20-something member is likely very different from what will work with a 65+ retiree, use this report to help you target your marketing materials to reach the right groups.

Want to see an online inquiry version of this data, complete with graphs? Try using Tool #200: Channel Activity by Member Age Group.

On the first screen, enter ages to define up to 9 different age groups. Each group will begin with the age entered here, and end one year less than the starting age for the next group. The first group begins with zero.  If 14 is entered as Age Group 2, the first age group on the report will be all members aged 0 through 13 years. The second group begins at age 14, and so on.

When all desired age groups are defined, use Enter to proceed to the second screen.