Printing the G/L Chart of Accounts

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


Chart of Accounts Report


LGLCHA (printed from preview screen)

Click here to magnify



Access this screen by selecting Tool #648: Print GL Chart of Accounts.

This screen is used to view or print a report listing all G/L accounts. The screen lets you select a Corporation ID to be included on the report, as well as whether or not to include suspended G/L accounts on the list. You can specify the G/L types to include (Asset, Expense, Income, Liability), whether to include G/L accounts flagged as cash accounts or whether to include zero balance G/L accounts. You can include your configured purpose and procedures text, either along with the chart, or on a separate report.

Complete the fields as described below and use Enter to produce the report. (You will actually print the report by clicking Print on the following Preview screen.  See the Preview screen topic for examples of the report.)

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Corp ID

The corporation number for which the chart of accounts should print.

G/L accounts to include

Options are All (the default), A=Active only or S=Suspended only.

Include only accounts with last month posted prior to

Specify a month/year if you would like to see G/L accounts with a last post month prior to a MMYYYY.

Cash account

Options are All (the default), Y=Yes to include G/L accounts flagged as Cash accounts, or N=No to include G/L accounts that are not flagged as cash accounts.

G/L types to include

Check the box to specify the types of G/L accounts to include, options are Asset, Expense, Income and Liability.  

Include zero balance G/L accounts

Check the box to include G/L accounts that have a zero balance.

Purposes and Procedures

Options are to include the configured purpose and/or procedure tips in printed report, print a separate report containing the purposes and/or procedures tips or do not include purposes and procedures at all.

Report Sample

(You will actually print the report by clicking Print on the following Preview screen.  See the Preview screen topic for examples of the report.)