Loan Application Analysis - Detail Report

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


Management Loan Application Analysis Detail




Click here to magnify


This screen appears when you use Detail (F12) on the first Loan Application Analysis report selection screen.

This detailed loan application analysis report gives an even more detailed outline of your lending department's activities, and is great for your monthly Loan Officer Minutes.  It includes reasons or comments for denial.  

Choose at least one of the three available report formats (if more than one is selected, records will be mingled). (Non-member denial and pending applications will be included depending on the selection made.  Use the optional selection and sort options at the bottom of the screen to limit the records displayed on the report to certain loan officers, application dates, etc.

You can also use the Sort column to specify the order in which the records should be sorted and grouped with sub-totals (enter 1 for the primary sort, 2 for a secondary sort, etc.). Unless otherwise specified, the report will in order by loan application number.

When ready, use Enter to generate the report. (HINT: You will be returned to the previous screen where you can run the normal Loan Application Analysis summary report now, or use the up arrow on that screen to return to the Home Page and print only this detail report.)

Report Sample