Skip Payment History Analysis

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Skip Payment History Analysis


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Access this screen by selecting Analysis (F13) from the Skip-Pay History Dashboard.


This screen provides in depth analysis of the filtered skip payments selected on the previous screen. The top of the screen provides information on the entire group of skip payments being analyzed, including the number of ski-pay programs used, the # of payments skipped, and the # of members those represent. This section also breaks down the entire group based on the # of payments skipped via online or internal channels.


The main section of this screen breaks the group down further and provides information across the columns at the top for each row. Subsequent rows provide information on other key data points such as the most and least used programs, the loans most and least used with the skip pay program, the most active internal employee, and the most active month and year for the selected period.


Lastly, detailed information is provided at the bottom to show when skip payments were being processed most often throughout the day. Sections are broken down into: 8AM - 1PM, 1PM - 5PM, 5PM - 12AM, and 12AM - 8AM. This is useful for determining when your members are using this most often online, or when staff get the most requests during the business day.

Use Hide Interest (F11) to toggle displaying the Interest Collected, Total Collected, and Remaining Interest fields. Press the Toggle button to toggle displaying the selected filters at the bottom of the screen.




All activity

All skip payments performed for the analyzed group.

Online activity

Of the analyzed group, this shows information for only those performed online by the member.

Internal activity

Of the analyzed group, this shows information for only those performed internally by a staff member.

Opt-in after due date

Of the analyzed group, this shows information for only those loans opted in after their scheduled due date (delinquent).

Most used program

Of the analyzed group, this shows information for only the most frequently used skip-pay program. The program name is displayed in the first column.

Least used program

Of the analyzed group, this shows information for only the least frequently used skip-pay program. The program name is displayed in the first column.

Most used loan

Of the analyzed group, this shows information for only the most commonly affected loan category. The loan category is displayed in the first column.

Least used loan

Of the analyzed group, this shows information for only the least commonly affected loan category for which there was at least one skip payment processed. The loan category is displayed in the first column.

Most active employee

The employee who processed the most skip payments internally for the select group. The employee's name is displayed in the first column.

Active time frames count and percentage

Segments the skip-payment group into four time periods depending on when the skip payment was performed: 8AM - 1PM, 1PM - 5PM, 5PM - 12AM, and 12AM - 8AM.

Provides both the number of skip payments and the percentage as a whole.





Payments Skipped

The number of payments skipped for that sub-group.

Skip %

The payments skipped as a percent of all payments skipped for that group. For example, for the all activity row, this will always show 100%.

Dollars Skipped

The dollar amount of skipped payments for that sub-group.

Average Pmt

The average scheduled payment amount skipped for that sub-group.

Average Fee

The average fee amount assessed to the member for that sub-group.

Fee %

The percent of payments feed as a percent of all fees assessed.

Fees Collected

Dollar amount of fees collected for that sub-group.

Interest Collected

Dollar amount of interest collected for that sub-group.

Total Collected

Total of fees collected and interested collected.

Remaining Interest

Any remaining interest owed after the skip payment.