Verify Posting Loan Insurance/Debit Protection

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:




Post Loan Insurance/Debit Protection




Click here to magnify

Access this screen by selecting Tool #1400 Audit Ln Ins Premium/Debt Prot Fees or via OPER 3 > 7: Post Ln In Prem/Debt Prot Fees


About this Tool

Use this tool to audit your changes prior to implementation when any configuration changes are updated or new configurations are added using Tool #465 Loan Insurance/Debt Protection Config.  (The most frequent change is to the insurance or debt protection rates).  An audit is an important first step since posting errors are very difficult to correct.

This screen allows you to select the appropriate insurance or debt protection codes and process an audit posting. This posting does not affect any member loan records, but rather provides a report of the results of any changes to the configuration. This audit can also be used to test a move to a new vendor or the addition of a new vendor due to a merge.

  • NOTE:  Nothing is posted if you access this screen via Tool #1400. This tool is only to be used for auditing purposes.  If you use the Oper menu option, fees will be posted.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that the audit is run on the loan balance at the time the audit is run so depending on the changes in loan amounts, there may be a different amount posted at implementation.

Using this Screen

Select your loan insurance, debt protection, or miscellaneous coverage codes by using the next to each field.  To run the audit report, use Verify to verify the codes are correct.  Then use Enter or Continue to print the report.  The posting reports have the same layout you are used to for a normal posting. They are broken down by insurance and debt protection with details including loan balances, insurance premium/debt protection fees, and exceptions. 

Report Sample

Posting Report (Debt Protection example)


Exception Report (Insurance example)