Copy a Custom Report Definition

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Copy a Custom Report Definition


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #99 Manage My Custom Reports (sc: QUERYCTRL) and selecting a query to copy.

Use this option to copy an existing query. You will only be able to copy queries which have an authority setting of *ALL, or those of which you are the owner. Copying requires either assigning a different name or a different location. All custom queries should remain in the QUERYxx library location. Copying a query to a different name is helpful anytime you need to retain the original while either you or a colleague works with the new copy. It is also helpful with query management when you have template queries which do common functions (such as combining all active and closed loan records together). As new projects arise you can copy the template queries to save the work of re-building that function from scratch.

Helpful Resources

Understanding Assigning Authority to Queries and Files