Employer/Income Source Information

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Panel Number:


Employer/Income Source Information


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Access this screen by selecting Add Employer/Income (F6) on the Employment/Income screen or the Household Income screen.  You can also access this screen via the Inquiry and Update buttons next to the employer name.

Use this screen to add additional employer or income records for a member.  You can also access this screen to view or update and existing record.  Once you have filled in the screen, press Enter and it will be added to the listing.

  • NOTE:  Updated debts are highlighted.

Field Descriptions

NOTE: Fields in blue will appear on the standard CU*BASE short-form loan application.

Field Name



Select from Employment or Other.

Employer Name or income source

Enter the employer's name or the source of income.

 Address 1
 Address 2

Use these fields to enter the company name and address where each individual is each currently employed.


Indicate whether this is a current or prior employment or income.  

Full Time

Check if the individual is employed full time at this employer.

Start date

Enter the date (mmddyy) on which this employment or income began.

End date

Enter the date (mmddyy) on which this employment or income ended.  Once a date is entered in this field, you must change the record to be a prior income or employment source.

Phone Ext 

Enter the company's phone number and the individual's extension, if any.


This documents whether this employment record came from a system-generated source, such as an indirect dealer relationship or online banking application, allowing better analysis of the record.  In these cases this field says "Online".  This is blank if the employment record is manually added.

Job title or payor name

Enter the member's title or payor name.

Self Employed

Indicate that the individual is self-employed.

Print on select forms & reports

You may only select one of each employment income source (current, prior, or other) to print on specific loan forms that have space for detail.  All current employment and other income sources will be included in the summary information.

Self Employed

Indicate that the individual is self-employed.

Gross pay/Net pay

Enter either Gross or Net income.  If you leave the Net Pay field blank, it will be calculated at eighty percent of the gross and vice versa.

Pay frequency

Frequency the member receives this income.