Investments Dashboard Analysis
Screen ID: Screen Title: Panel Number: |
UKINVS-02 Investments Dashboard Analysis 6784 |
Access this window by selecting the Analysis (F15) feature in the Investments Dashboard.
Screen Overview
This screen provides a wealth of information for your credit union's investments, ranking the Top 3 facts for each of the sub-headers, plus the currently market value and percent of total investment.
What Can I Do Here?
To view information on investments maturing in the current month, select the spyglass
to view information such as current market price and total, rate, and maturity date.
Select any spyglass
in the Key Facts section to view information related to the section header.
To view information on investment maturity, select the Maturity (F16) button.
Visual Analytics Tools (VAT)
Select any chart graphic
to view a VAT chart or graph of the selected information (right-click the chart to copy/save to your board report!)
Select any copy graphic
to copy the selected information to the clipboard to be pasted in a document.