Phone/Contact Numbers (Edit/View)

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:


Phone/Contact Numbers - Change



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Access this screen by selecting to Add, Edit, or View an individual phone number from the previous screen.

Use this screen to add a new contact number for a member, or to edit any additional numbers for a member. The phone number will automatically be sequenced using the next available number; if you wish the new number to be a different sequence, a phone number of higher sequence is to be added, fully add the phone number first, then edit the number again, using this screen to re-sequence the phone number as the appropriate sequence.  

TIP: You cannot add a higher sequence number, only a lower one, so of any two numbers you wish to rearrange, always start by editing the number that has the higher sequence number.  All other sequence numbers will re-sequence automatically.  For example, a member has his landline as seq# 1, his cell as seq# 2, and his work phone as seq# 3.  He wishes you to use his cell as his primary number.  Select the cell number (seq #2) and change the sequence number to 1.  The existing seq# 1 (his landline) will be renumbered to seq #2 instead.

Enter the member's phone number, extension, and either select a pre-configured label for the number, or enter a custom label.  You can also choose a pre-configured label and modify it; it will affect this contact number for this member only. if a phone number of higher sequence is to be added, fully add the phone number first, then use this screen to re-sequence the phone number as the appropriate sequence - all phone numbers of lower priority will re-sequence automatically.

Select any relevant check boxes for the member as follows:

International: This label indicates the number is international, and the number itself will appear in the comments field.

Text Messages: This box indicates that this number can receive text messages, but note that this number does not enroll the member in text banking, nor does this number transfer to the member's text banking settings.  

Wrong #: This label indicates an incorrect number for a member.

Mobile: This label indicates that the listed number is a mobile/cell number. Some EFT vendors will accept this number as the mobile number (verify with your vendor if they accept this number).

EFT Day: A Y in this field indicates that the number will be used as the "secondary" phone number for ATM/Debit and Credit card orders.

EFT Night:  A Y in this field indicates that this number will be  used as the "primary" phone number for ATM/Debit and Credit card orders. This field will appear in the card activation information.

When finished, use Enter to complete the process and return to the previous screen.

Additional Resources

Understanding the Phone Number Database

Red Flag Warning Alerts - Overview

There are still screens and reports here and there that show labels such as “Home phone” and “Cell phone” but those don’t look like my CU-defined labels nor the ones entered when setting up the phone number for the member. What do these labels mean?

When entering a phone number I notice that I can create any seq # I want, such as 10 or 100 or whatever. Doesn’t every member have to have a seq #1 for their primary phone number?

What if I want to add a new primary (sequence 1) phone # for a member while still keeping the existing numbers?  I’m getting an error that I cannot use an existing sequence number.

When ordering a card for a member, which phone numbers are sent to the vendor?

What happens to card activations if I have more than one Nighttime or Daytime phone number for a member? What if they are the same number?