Record Member Ballot (1)

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Record Member Votes on Ballot



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #749: Record Member Vote for Online Ballot.

SEE ALSO: Online Ballot and Configuration Guide

Screen Overview

This option allows a credit union employee to record a member’s vote in an online ballot in CU*BASE (instead of the member voting in It’s Me 247). On this screen enter a member’s account number or SSN/TIN and press Enter to move to the next screen.

Procedure for recording a member’s vote on an online ballot using CU*BASE

1.If a second Employee ID and password is required to record a ballot, enter the second employee’s information and press Enter.

2.Enter the member’s account number or SSN/TIN and press Enter.

3.Select the question and use the Select option to view the possible answers.

4.Select the member’s answers by checking the appropriate answer. A bar above the answers will indicate the maximum number of answers the member can select. If too many answers are selected, a warning message will appear saying that the votes are invalid.

5.Press Enter to save the selected answers. The screen will indicate that a selection has been made.

6.Answer additional questions in a similar manner until all questions have been answered.

7.Use F5-Submit Vote to record the member’s vote. A confirmation screen will appear.

8. Use F10-Continue to finalize the vote.

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