Record Member Votes on Ballot (3)

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Record Member Votes on Ballot



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Access this screen by selecting a question on the ballot on the previous screen and using the Select option.

Helpful Resources

Online Ballots Configuration Guide

Screen Overview

Select the member’s answers to the selected question by checking the appropriate boxes. The bar above the answers will indicate the maximum number of questions that can be selected. Once the selections have been made, press Enter to return to the previous screen which list the questions on the ballot.

Procedure for recording a member’s vote on an online ballot using CU*BASE

1.If a second Employee ID and password is required to record a ballot, enter the second employee’s information and press Enter.

2.Enter the member’s account number or SSN/TIN and press Enter.

3.Select the question and use the Select option to view the possible answers.

4.Select the member’s answers by checking the appropriate answer. A bar above the answers will indicate the maximum number of answers the member can select. If too many answers are selected, a warning message will appear saying that the votes are invalid.

5.Press Enter to save the selected answers. The screen will indicate that a selection has been made.

6.Answer additional questions in a similar manner until all questions have been answered.

7.Use F5-Submit Vote to record the member’s vote. A confirmation screen will appear.

8.Use F10-Continue to finalize the vote.

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