Remote Deposit Capture Settings Enrollments

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Remote Deposit Capture Settings Enrollments



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #1655 RDC Enrollment Configuration.

Helpful Resources

Booklet: Remote Deposit Capture

Screen Overview

As part of your setting up RDC, you will need to fill in the limits in your credit union level configuration. You will work with the IRSC in getting this screen set up. The top portion configures the limits and activates new enrollments. The bottom is used with the mobile app and configures auto enrollment and the restrictions to auto enrollment.

The left hand side of the top is for new enrollees, and the right is for members who are already enrolled. The bottom section deals with mobile enrollments.

Use Add/Update (F5) to save any changes made to this screen.

Important note: First work with the IRSC to activate the back end of this feature.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If limits are changed at a later time, this only affects new enrollments. If your credit union wishes to change the limits for all members, this will require a data flood. Contact the IRSC for assistance.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Activate for enrollments

Activates Remote Deposit Capture in CU*BASE. Once this is activated, members can be enrolled in the feature in CU*BASE. The member will be required to accept a EULA when enrolling on the Mobile App.

  • First work with the IRSC to activate the back end of this feature.

  • WARNING: Unchecking this box will turn off remote deposit capture.

Default Deposit Limits for New Enrollees

This section is used for members when they first enroll in RDC. These limits are used as the defaults in Member Personal Banker. Once enrolled, individual members, can be given separate limits via Member Personal Banker. (This screen is available via Member Personal Banker once the feature is activated.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: If limits are changed at a later time, this only affects new enrollments. If your credit union wishes to change the limits for all members, this will require a data flood. Contact the IRSC for assistance.

Maximum amount per item

Up to 11 numbers with two decimals. (All 9's for no limit.) The maximum amount of an individual check deposited.

Maximum items per day

Up to three numbers. (All 9's for no limit.)The maximum number of checks a member can deposit in a day

Maximum amount per day

Up to 11 numbers with two decimals. (All 9's for no limit.)The maximum amount that can be deposited in a day.

Maximum amount rolling per 30 days

Up to 11 numbers with two decimals. (All 9's for no limit.) The maximum amount that can be deposited in a rolling thirty day period.

If Daily Limit is Exceeded

This section is used for members who are already enrolled. For each of the above limits, decide what the system should do if the deposit request would exceed the maximum allowed: either reject the item altogether, or push it to the review queue.

  • NOTE: These settings are used for all members, regardless of the member’s individual limit amount. In other words, if this is set to “review item” then the system should flag the item for review when it exceeds the member’s individual deposit limit, whatever that happens to be. These flags cannot be adjusted at the member level; only the limits themselves can.

Review item

The item is moved for review to Tool #1650.

Reject Item

The item is rejected.

Review all items over

Up to 11 numbers with two decimals. (All 9's for no limit.) If the check is over this amount, it will appear in the pending deposits review queue (Tool #1650).

Auto-Enrollment via the Mobile App

Activate auto-enrollment

Once Activate auto enrollment is checked, members will be able to enroll in the Mobile App. Members that fail the restrictions will be worked via Tool #13.

  • Note: If Active auto enrollments is not checked, members can still enroll in the mobile app. However, all enrollments will then need to be worked via Tool #13.

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: If limits are changed at a later time, this only affects new enrollments. If your credit union wishes to change the limits for all members, this will require a data flood. Contact the IRSC for assistance.

Auto-enroll with default limits of

Below are the requirements for auto-enrollment via the Mobile App. If the member fails any of the criteria below, they are sent for review and are not auto-enrolled.

Membership open x days or more

If checked, only auto-enroll if the membership has been open more than the specified number of days.

Member age x or older

If check, only auto-enroll if the member is at or over the specified number of days.

Credit score x or higher

If checked, only auto-enroll is the credit score is above the configured score.

Currently not delinquent more than x days on any loan

If checked, only auto-enroll if the membership has no loans that are currently delinquent more than the configured number of days.

No delinquencies of x or more times over the life of the loan (of any loan)

If checked, only auto-enroll if the number of times delinquent on all of the member's currently-active loans is under the specified amount.

Membership designations excluded from auto enrollment

Use the Select button to select the excluded memberships. If one is selected, only auto-enrolll if the membership does not have the specified membership designation code.

This allows your credit union to exclude business accounts, for example.

Send email when enrollment needs review

Checking this box will send an email, if a member is sent to the review listing, Tool #13, either because they failed even one criteria item or because auto-enrollment is not active.

To email address

(Required if send above is checked). This provides the to email address for the notifications that there are enrollments to review in Tool #13.