Miscellaneous Secured Funds (3)

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:


Miscellaneous Secured Funds


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This screen appears after using "Add" (F6) or "Change" on the initial Miscellaneous Secured Funds screen.

This screen allows you to create or adjust the settings for a miscellaneous secured funds record, to hold funds on a member's account so that they are not available for withdrawal.

Enter a description to explain why these funds are being held, and the amount of funds that should be secured. Use Enter to save the record and return to the previous screen.

Field Descriptions

Field Name



Enter a description of this record, such as why the funds are being secured.


Enter the amount of funds that should be held on this account.


A code indicating where this record originated.

01  Used for all records manually created using these screens

16 Debit Card Processing

22 Online Credit Card processing

Card #

(Applies to debit card and credit card authorizations ONLY.) The card number for this transaction.

Drop date

The date on which this record will be deleted and the funds released.

For debit card and credit card authorizations, this date is set to a standard period of time, such as 2 days, from when the authorizations comes in. (This time frame is configurable only for online credit cards as part of the BIN configuration; debit cards use a standard 2-day window in all cases. Also, not all debit card processors send authorizations.)

For all other records, the date will read 99/99/99, which means the record will remain in place until deleted manually.

Card type

(Applies to debit card and credit card authorizations only.) Will read DBT for debit card authorizations, or CRD for credit card authorizations.

Auth. ID

(Applies to debit card and credit card authorizations ONLY.) A unique tracer/identification number that is used to purge this record when the actual transaction is posted to the account.

Last maintenance

The date on which this record was last maintained.