Service Charge - Run Audit on Program



Screen ID:

Screen Title: 

Panel Number: 

Report Name:



Run Audit on Service Charge Program




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Access this screen selecting a service charge (minimum balance, transaction or account) and selecting "Audit."

This screen allows you to run and audit of your service charge.  This allows evaluate the charges and waivers prior to activating the service charge.


Simulation reports are generated but no fees will be posted.  (The reports are identical to the posting reports, except that the title is different and, of course no fees will be posted.  There will be no account in the Account Charged column.)


If you pick a current month, charges will be based on data from the current month files. (So the closer you run this to the end of the month, the more your results will match an actual posting of the fee  If you select a previous month, then the charges will be based on the entire month's data.


Report Samples


 10/03/13  11:17:00                                  ABC TESTING CREDIT UNION                            TSVCGE31         PAGE    1

     RUN ON  10/03/13                A01 PERSONAL CK MIN BAL FEE - ACCT SERVICE CHARGE POSTING REPORT                USER

                                                        AUDIT/TEST RUN ONLY


                          DIV       TRAN                       PREVIOUS            CURRENT         TRAN    TRAN              ACCOUND

     ACCOUNT #    APPL    APPL      CODE       AMOUNT           BALANCE            BALANCE         DATE    ID                CHARGED

       999-110     SD      CK        33          5.00            894.66-            899.66-    10/03/13    SD-04755

      1111-110     SD      CK        33          5.00          1,057.57-          1,062.57-    10/03/13    SD-08439

      2222-110     SD      CK        33          5.00              1.00               4.00-    10/03/13    SD-05343

      3333-110     SD      CK        33          5.00            334.63             329.63     10/03/13    SD-07561



 10/03/13  11:17:00                                  ABC TESTING CREDIT UNION                            TSVCGE32         PAGE

     RUN ON  10/03/13                  A01 PERSONAL CK MIN BAL FEE - ACCT SERVICE CHARGE EXCEPTIONS                  USER


                                                        AUDIT/TEST RUN ONLY

                          DIV                           CURRENT

     ACCOUNT #    APPL    APPL         AMOUNT           BALANCE     MESSAGE

      1111-110     SD      CK            5.00               .00     THE RECORD PROCESSED WAS NOT FOUND IN THE MEMBER FILE.   MEMBER

      3333-110     SD      CK            5.00          1,350.00-    ACCOUNT SPECIFIED IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CHARGE. FROZEN ACCT.

      7777-110     SD      CK            5.00            361.94-    ACCOUNT SPECIFIED IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CHARGE. FROZEN ACCT.

     11111-110     SD      CK            5.00             38.71     ACCOUNT SPECIFIED IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR CHARGE. FROZEN ACCT.

     22222-110     SD      CK            5.00               .00     THE RECORD PROCESSED WAS NOT FOUND IN THE MEMBER FILE.   MEMBER


SERVICE CHARGE EXCEPTION TOTALS        AMOUNT -          25.00     COUNT -      5


                                                           ***END OF REPORT***