Account Service Charge Configuration (1)

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Account Service Charge Configuration


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SEE ALSO: Configuring Service Charges – Overview

Access this screen by selecting "Account Service Charge Configuration" on the entry Service Charge Configuration screen.


This is the first of several screens used to set up periodic service charges that are assessed to members who hold certain types of accounts, such as a monthly service charge for a business checking account. This type of service charge is used for a regular fee that should be charged regardless of member transaction activity (i.e., the fee is for having the account, regardless of whether it is used or not).   Every individual service charge you configure is called a “Program.” A program number is assigned that controls the basic settings, including when the fee is charged and the types of transactions included, then specific fee parameters are configured.  

  • NOTE:  You are not charged for a service charge until "Activate this service charge program" is checked on the Program Settings screen.

  • IMPORTANT: CU*BASE service charge options are very flexible, and therefore should be discussed with a client service representative prior to implementation. We offer a service to configure and test the fee before the first posting, which generally occurs at month-end. For online clients there is a fee.  Refer to the Pricing Guide for details.  You are not charged a fee until the service charge is activated on this screen.  For programs you are considering running, it is recommended that you first use the Audit feature which produces reports similar to the posting reports, but does not post any fees.

On this screen. for existing Programs, you can view the Application Type, the program title, the frequency, the # of products used, whether the service charge is active, whether a notice is generated when the service charge is charged (this required the notice event to be connected with a notice) and the last date the service charge was maintained and the employee who maintained it.   More details about the Service change can be viewed on the Program Settings  and the Fees and Waivers screens.

  • CU*TIP: Transaction Service charges are “batch” charges, not interactive. This means that the fee is charged to members in a batch during either end-of-day or end-of-month processing, depending on the configuration.

Using this Screen

From  this screen you can choose to:

  • Add a brand new service charge.  Use Add New (F6) to move to the configuration screen to set up a service charge.  You will first name the charge, then add criteria, and finally fee and waiver information.

  • View the program settings and criteria of an existing service charge.  Select the service charge and Program Settings and Criteria to move to the configuration screen.

  • View the fees and waivers of an existing service charge.  Select the service charge and Fee and Waiver Settings to move to the Fee and Waiver screen.

  • Copy a service charge to build a new service charge. Select the service charge and Copy to move to the configuration screen with the configuration of the original service charge copied over.  All criteria and fee/waiver information will be copied.  After making needed changed, you can quickly create a new service charge in this manner.

  • Delete an existing charge.  Select the service charge and Change to move to a screen confirming the deletion of the service charge. All criteria and fees and waivers will be deleted.

  • View the configuration of an existing charge.  This way you can view a charge, without the worry of editing it.  Select the service charge and View to move to a view-only version of the configuration screen

  • Run an audit an existing charge.  Select the service charge andRun Audit.  From here you can run an audit on the service charge to generate audit and exception reports without posting any fees to member accounts.