Inquiry vs. Phone Op

Using Member Inquiry

The Inquiry feature (F1 from the Home Page) is designed to give you valuable information about members and their accounts. Although some information can be modified while in inquiry (like a member's address, for example), these screens are primarily designed to provide information for viewing.

Inquiry is the primary research tool used by many different features in CU*BASE. For example, you may access Inquiry while working with the collections screens, or while performing a teller transaction. The Inquiry screens are designed to flow in a logical sequence: first you see all accounts for a member, then a specific account, then specific transactions. The screens also make it easy to view any other details about the member or account, all from within the Inquiry program.

Using Phone Operator

Phone Operator (F2 from the Home Page) was created specifically for use by phone operators which handle member inquiries. The Phone Op feature is designed to allow inquiries about a member's account, as well as enable you to make transfers and perform other common tasks.

Inquiry vs. Phone

The main difference between Inquiry (F1) and Phone Operator (F2) lies in why they were designed. Inquiry was designed as the primary CU*BASE research tool. Phone Operator was designed as an interactive answer system for member requests. Inquiry will allow you to view information about all members, whether closed or open. Phone Operator only views open members and accounts.

Phone Operator also has some additional options available to handle specific member requests. If you wish to perform an inquiry and use one of the following features, use Phone Operator:

  • Make transfers from one account to another.

  • View the status of any draft/check number.

  • View just debits, or just credits made to a member's account.

  • Issue stop payment requests for member draft accounts.

  • Process a check disbursement on a member account.

  • Add or update member comments.

  • View current or future payoff information on loans.


Click to view Member Inquiry screens.

Click to view Phone Operator screens.