Formatting Numeric Data - Numbers

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CU*BASE Report Builder (Query)

Describe Numeric Field Editing


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This screen will appear when you use the Numeric Editing (1) on the initial Format Numbers screen.

Check out the video related to this topic: Formatting Account Numbers and Dates (More videos below!)

Helpful Resources

Learn how to format currency values.

Learn how to format account numbers.

Screen Overview

Use this screen to choose a numeric format for quantity, currency, rate, and other numeric fields. When done, use Enter to save changes and return to the Format Columns screen.

  • CU*TIP: Click the Display sample of column formats button periodically to see the effect of the changes you are making.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Decimal point

Choose one of the options shown to select the decimal point you wish to use. If “None” is selected, a dollar figure of $1,325.35 will appear as 132535. Choose period (.) to show that figure as 1325.35.

Thousands separator

Choose one of the options shown to select a thousands separator. If “None” is selected, a dollar figure of $1,789 will appear as 1789. Choose comma (,) to show that figure as 1,789.

  • HINT: For the account base field (ACCTBS), choose “None”.

Show negative sign
 Left negative sign
 Right negative sign

Check this checkbox to include a special symbol for negative numbers, then enter the symbol to be used on the left and/or right side.

  • HINT: To display a negative figure as 123.23-, enter a dash (-) in Right negative sign field. To display a negative figure as (123.23), enter a left parenthesis in Left negative sign and a right parenthesis in Right negative sign.

Show currency symbol
 Left currency symbol
 Right currency symbol

Check this checkbox to include a currency symbol with the number, then enter the symbol to be used on the left and/or right side of the column. For U.S. currency, enter a dollar sign ($) in Left currency symbol. Currency symbols will be aligned along the left edge of the column, like this:

 $ 4,323.25

 $ 32.03

 $ 329.79

  • HINT: This feature can also be used for percentages, by entering a percent sign (%) in Right currency symbol.

Print zero value

Check this checkbox to print a zero (0) when the value in the field is zero. If you wish a zero-value field to appear as a blank, choose No instead.

Replace leading zeros
 Replace with
 Single leading zero

Check this checkbox to replace leading zeros with other characters, then select the character to be used. The most common use for this is to use blanks in place of the leading zeros in front of member account numbers (instead of 000003497, you would see 3497 as the account number).

However, with the account type suffix field (ACTTYP), choose No to retain the leading zeros so that account suffix “001” does not appear as “1”.

  • HINT: Use Floating currency symbol (3) to place the currency symbol you selected earlier directly in front of the dollar amount, instead of at the left edge of the column, like this:




If you wish to replace all of the leading zeros but leave a single leading zero behind, choose Yes in the Single leading zero field. A common example would be in a field containing a numeric month: May could appear as 05 instead of 5.

Additional Video Resources

Check out these additional video resources!

Formatting Dollar Amounts

View more Query videos.

Visit the CU*BASE video library.