Create a Journal Entry Based on a Template

These steps explain how to use a journal entry template to post a journal entry. Templates are used as a shortcut for a large J/E batch.

NOTE: When you make an entry using a template, replace the default data with the actual data you wish to post with the batch.

  1. Launch Tool #61 Create/Post GL Journal Entries.

  1. Select Show Templates.

  2. Highlight the template to use and select Copy.

  3. In the J/E Date field, enter the effective date of entry (MMDDYY).

  4. In the J/E ID field, enter Employee ID.

  5. In the ID # field, enter the current date (MMDDYY).

  6. Use the forward arrow.

  7. Select Show J/E Batches.

  8. Highlight the batch to use.

  9. Select Change.

  10. Enter the G/L entry amounts in the debit and credit fields. The entry must net to zero.

  11. Make any changes to the description if necessary.

  12. Use the forward arrow.

  13. Select Post.

Learn More

Learn more about creating and posting journal entries.