Preparing a New Loan Category

These steps explain how to create a new loan category code and configure its servicing parameters.

  1. If necessary, use Tool #202 Chart of Accounts/Budget Groups Maint to create the G/L accounts you’ll need for the loan category, including the member asset G/L, income G/L for interest earned, and the accrued interest asset G/L.

  2. If any brand-new G/L accounts were created in step 1, use Tool #383 GL Account Control Configuration to set up a cross-reference between the GL and the type of loan category you’ll be creating.

    • Always create the accrual G/L account first (use application type LN for closed-end loan products or OC for open-end loan products including online credit cards).

    • Then create the member loan G/L using the same application type, entering the accrual G/L account in the Cross reference G/L #1 field.

    • View step-by-steps instructions for using this configuration.

  3. Next you’ll need to use Tool #105 Account Suffix Configuration to create the range of suffixes that will be assigned to the new loan category.

    • Start by entering a range of suffixes.

    • Before completing any of the other fields, press Enter to resort the screen.

    • Enter a description, application type (either LN for closed-end loan products or OC for open-end loan products including online credit cards).

  4. If necessary, use Tool #706 Purpose Code Configuration to create new purpose code(s) to be used with the new category.

  5. If necessary, use Tool #785 Security Code Configuration to create new security code(s) to be used with the new category.

  6. Launch Tool #458 Loan Category and complete all screens to create the loan category code and all of its servicing parameters.

  7. Now use Tool #470 Loan Product Configuration to create loan products to be attached to that new category code.

    • At least one loan product code must be created in order to create loans under the new category.

    • TIP: Select an existing product and use the Copy feature to start with a similar product, making changes to assign the new loan category code and any other settings as needed.