Add a New Message

Screen ID:  n/a images\3158g_shg.gif
Screen Title: Add a New Message
Panel ID: 3158
Tool Number: 497
    Click here to magnify

Access this screen by clicking Create (F6)or by selecting the Copy button from the Message Maintenance screen (Credit Union message library).

This screen is the first screen you come to when you create a message yourself instead of copying a message from the Member Connect Master message library, or you can use this screen to add additional text from a message that is already created in the credit union message library.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Message Type

Enter a two digit code to identify your message. Letters or numbers can be used.

  • NOTE:  When creating a new message, use a letter and a number or two numbers.  Two letters are reserved for messages Master Message Library of messages.  Message IDs like B3 are allowed but BB are not.

Message Subject

This text will appear in the subject line when this message is sent as an email message.

Corp ID

If Corp IDs are used, enter the Corp ID in this field.