Membership Analysis Inquiry (1)

Screen ID: IMBANL-01 images\342g_shg.gif
Screen Title: Comparative Member Analysis
Panel ID: 342
Tool Number: 525
    Click here to magnify

Access this screen by selecting Tool #525: Membership Summary Comparison.

Tips for CEOs

This report is an online, graphical version of the Membership Analysis Report.

Choose Active to analyze all active memberships as of the periods specified; choose Closed or New to display only memberships that were closed or opened during each period. Choose two different monthly periods to be compared. Press Enter to move to the next screen.

Use Enter to proceed to the next screen.

Membership Analysis Report and the Membership Summary Comparison: Intertwined Tools

This report is an online, graphical version of the Membership Analysis Report.

Note that the configurations most recently used in that tool (Tool #520 Membership Analysis Report) will also be applied to this tool (Tool #525). Be sure to verify your configurations before making comparisons between the report and the summary comparison.