Abnormal Activity Monitoring - View Activity

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Panel Number:


Current Month Activity Compare


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Access this screen by selectingDaily Averages (F4) on the Current Month Activity Compare screen.

Use this screen to compare a member’s current-month daily transaction averages (debit and credit dollar amounts and total number of transactions) to those of the previous three months to the activity of all members at your credit union.  

For detailed information and step-by-step instructions on the Abnormal Activity Monitoring tool, including tips on how to group members or determine normal activity levels, refer to the "Abnormal Activity Monitoring" booklet.

Field Descriptions

Field Name



The member’s account number and name

Member branch

The branch/location number that was assigned to this membership when it was opened. This branch designation is stored on the MASTER membership record, and is used for branch-level accounting.

Activity branch

The number of the branch where the member conducts the most transactions and the percentage of total transactions conducted at that branch

If Activity Branch parameters have been configured by your credit union, and this member had activity last month, this Member's Activity Branch designation will appear here, based on last month's activity.

This is not an assigned branch designation like the member branch, but rather is calculated based on credit union-defined parameters to reflect where a member actually does business with the credit union. The Activity Branch designation is intended to give your credit union an alternative view of how assets are assigned to branches.

  • The calculation parameters for determining a member's activity branch are configured using Tool 235: Config Activity Branch Config. Once you define your calculation parameters, activity branch is calculated automatically according to the member's activity for the previous month.

Most Used Branch

The number of the branch the member visits the most and the percentage of total transactions conducted at that branch


The number related to the Origin Code, which refers to the origination point for the transaction; in other words, the process that posts the transaction (ATM programs, teller programs, share draft processing, etc.)


A total of all withdrawals posted via each transaction origin


A total of all deposits posted via each transaction origin

# Trans

The total number of transactions posted via each transaction origin





Backup arrow (F3)

Brings you to the previous screen

Daily Averages (F4)

Brings you to the screen shown above where you can view the member’s daily averages across the current and previous three months for all debit and credit transaction dollar amounts and for the total number of transactions made   

Compare All Members (F5)

Brings you to a screen where you can compare the member’s current totals (for debit and credit dollar amounts and total number of transactions) to those of the previous three months and those of all members as well .

Monthly Totals (F6)

Brings you to a screen that shows you the member’s current totals (for debit and credit dollar amounts and total number of transactions) as well as those for the previous three months