Printing the Investment Trial Balance

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Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


Investment Trial Balance



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #408: Investment Trial Balance Report.

Helpful Resources

Visit Show Me the Steps for easy instructions on using Automated Reports to create, change, and delete report settings.

Screen Overview

Like a member trial balance, the Investment Trial Balance reports key balances and dates for all investments in a single detailed report. More importantly, the report includes summary totals by the general ledger accounts represented in the credit union’s balance sheet and income statements. This summary page is used monthly to balance the investment subsidiary to the balance sheet.

There are two reports that can be produced:

  • A Detail report showing detailed information about each investment, sorted by Corporation then Investment Type, with subtotals by investment type and corporation and grand totals for all investments.

  • A Totals report showing summarized totals by G/L Account.

  • You can optionally select to print either one or both.

How Do I Save/Retrieve My Report Settings?

For more details on setting up this feature, refer to the Automating Reports and Queries booklet, available on the CU*BASE Reference page. 

This report can be used with the “Report Scheduler,” a time-saving automation feature that allows you to select and save the filters you use to run several commonly used reports and then set these reports to be run automatically by our operations staff on the first of the month.  Or you can save the settings and run them manually by yourself at any time.

To save your report settings, first select your filters, including printer (can be a physical printer or the HOLDxx or MONTHxx OUTQs).  Then select Save Settings (F24).  On the next screen name your settings (we recommend adding your name!), and designate whether you wish to run this manually or if you wish for operations to run the report.  At a later time, use Retrieve Settings (F23) to populate the screen with the settings you have saved.  You can also edit your settings using Retrieve Settings (F23).  All saved settings can be viewed on the Report Automation: Standard Reports screen.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Customized Report Heading

Enter an optional custom report heading.

Corporate ID

To include investments from only one corporation, enter the Corporate ID here; leave the field blank to include all corporations.

Investment Status

Use this flag to limit the report to either Active investments (“A”), Closed investments (“C”) that have not yet been purged, or All (blank).

Include Investment Comments

Choose Yes to print any comments recorded on the investment. Choose No to omit comments on the printed report.

Process Date

Enter the month and year for which data should be shown.  Normally six previous months are available.  To run a report using month-end data prior to the months held online, contact a Client Services Representative.  (There is a charge if this service is requested.)

  • NOTE: Before the enhanced Investment software released in June of 1999, investment data was not stored as part of end-of-month files. Therefore, you may pull data for a past month as far back as June 1999, but no earlier.

Investment type

To include selected investment types on the report, click the Select button and select the types. Select multiple types by holding done the Ctrl key while selecting the types. Use select to return to this screen the number of types selected will appear next to the button

FASB Codes

To include selected FASB codes on the report, click the Select button and select the codes. Select multiple codes by holding done the Ctrl key while selecting the codes. Use select to return to this screen the number of codes selected will appear next to the button

Vendor/broker Code

To include selected vendor/broker codes on the report, click the Select button and select the codes. Select multiple codes by holding done the Ctrl key while selecting the codes. Use select to return to this screen the number of codes selected will appear next to the button

Sort By

Use this flag to indicate how the report should be sorted: by Investment Type ("1"), by FASB Code ("2"), or by Maturity Date ("3").

Principal G/L
Income G/L
Discount G/L
Premium G/L
Accrual G/L
Gain/Loss G/L

To include only investments that use a specific General Ledger account number for principal, income, discounts, premiums, accruals, or gain/loss entries, click the Select button and select the account number(s).

Maturity date from
Maturity date to

To include only investments that mature within a specific time frame, enter the starting and ending date here; leave the field blank to include all items.

Settlement date from
Settlement date to

To include only investments that have a settlement date within a specific time frame, enter the starting and ending date here; leave the field blank to include all items.

Purchase date from
Purchase date to

To include only investments that were purchased within a specific time frame, enter the starting and ending date here; leave the field blank to include all items.

Report Sample: Trial Balance Detail

  7/01/13  16:51:35                                   ABC TESTING CREDIT UNION                           LINTB            PAGE

     RUN ON   7/01/13                                 INVESTMENT TRIAL BALANCE                                       USER

 Investment Status (A/C)- A

 STATUS                                            QUOTE DATE/                                           BOOK VALUE/




 ACTIVE  BN  BN0001 11/19/99         11/19/99         11/19/99                   .00             .00             .00             .0

         003         4/30/02        100.00000           .00000                   .00             .00             .00        1,503.1

 ABC HOLDING COMPANY                                         1                                                   .00

 CMNTS:  ABC 2 REPLACEMENT BONDS AND STOCKS                           ONE BOND $16139.00 DUE 08/15/05 11.00%

         ONE BOND $ 9,000 ISH RECEIVED AND PIF IN OCTOBER             STOCK 104 SHARES VALUE $ 5,200




 ACTIVE  BN  BN0002  7/30/10          7/30/10          7/30/10 08         715,000.00             .00      715,000.00        2,383.3

         001        10/01/24    855,000.00000    855,000.00000              9,533.32             .00      855,000.00       82,365.5

 CITY OF ABC BONDS                                           1                                            140,000.00




 ACTIVE  BN  BN0003 11/29/10         11/29/10         11/29/10 02         100,000.00        1,248.20      101,248.20          203.8

         003         8/15/13    100,000.00000    100,000.00000              2,190.19             .00      100,000.00        5,313.1

 BANK OF AMERICA                                             1                                              1,248.20-


Report Sample: Trial Balance Totals

  7/01/13  16:51:35                                   ABC TESTING CREDIT UNION                           LINTB            PAGE

     RUN ON   7/01/13                             INVESTMENT TRIAL BALANCE - TOTALS                                  USER ESTEBANC

 Investment Status (A/C)- A

                         G/L ACCT   TOTAL AMOUNT

 Total PREMIUM value   -   121-09            .00

 Total PREMIUM value   -   741-00            .00

 Total PREMIUM value   -   744-30            .00

 Total PREMIUM value   -   744-40       1,248.20


 Total DISCOUNT value  -   121-09            .00

 Total DISCOUNT value  -   745-00            .00

 Total DISCOUNT value  -   745-01            .00

 Total DISCOUNT value  -   745-06            .00


 Total PRINCIPAL value -   741-00   2,000,000.00

 Total PRINCIPAL value -   744-10   1,747,156.31

 Total PRINCIPAL value -   745-00   2,041,590.77

 Total PRINCIPAL value -   745-01   1,271,219.17


 Total ACCRUED value   -   753-01      58,545.42


 Total YTD INCOME value-   121-00      26,539.20-

 Total YTD INCOME value-   121-04      55,450.35-

 Total YTD INCOME value-   121-05            .00

 Total YTD INCOME value-   121-06            .00

 Total YTD INCOME value-   121-09       3,671.03-