New/Refinanced Loan History

Screen ID: 

Screen Title: 

Panel Number:

Report Name:


New/Refinanced Loan History



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Access this screen by selecting Tool #554: New/Refinanced Loan History Report.

Screen Overview

This report gives you a picture of your credit union’s loan disbursements during a specified date range.  The information can be pulled from current transaction files (TRANSx) or from prior transaction files (HTRANSx) depending on the date range and process date selected.  Keep in mind that the date range must match the process date otherwise you will receive a “Date is out of range” message.   

The report can be run for closed end, line of credit and/or credit card loans. The disbursement amounts will not include insurance premiums, fine payments, or escrow transfers.  Other filters allow you to see  loan disbursements by branch, loan category code, loan purpose or security code, transaction origin or loan officer code.  Written off loans can be excluded from the report.

Two report types can be selected.   Selecting Detail and Summary, prints the Detail report followed by the Summary Report; selecting Summary only prints the Summary report.  The Detail Report lists all transactions with member information, while the Summary Report summarizes the number and amount of disbursements by type of loan.

Use the “Export report to file” checkbox to export the report listing for use with Report Builder or Member Connect.

How Do I Save/Retrieve My Report Settings?

For more details on setting up this feature, refer to the Automating Reports and Queries booklet, available on the CU*BASE Reference page. 

This report can be used with the “Report Scheduler,” a time-saving automation feature that allows you to select and save the filters you use to run several commonly used reports and then set these reports to be run automatically by our operations staff on the first of the month.  Or you can save the settings and run them manually by yourself at any time.

To save your report settings, first select your filters, including printer (can be a physical printer or the HOLDxx or MONTHxx OUTQs).  Then select Save Settings (F24).  On the next screen name your settings (we recommend adding your name!), and designate whether you wish to run this manually or if you wish for operations to run the report.  At a later time, use Retrieve Settings (F23) to populate the screen with the settings you have saved.  You can also edit your settings using Retrieve Settings (F23).  All saved settings can be viewed on the Report Automation: Standard Reports screen.

Field Descriptions

Field Name


Corporate ID

Corp ID

Process date

Enter the month and year of the process date (MMYYCC) (required). Defaults to current month.

Loan types

Select loan types to include on the report. Options are Closed end, Line of credit and/or Credit card.  At least 1 selection is required.

Loan balances to include

Select to include all loan balances, just the credit union portion or just the investor portion.

Disbursement date range

Select a date range for the transactions to include in the report. Enter a beginning date and an ending date. (MMDDYYCC). This allows you to select a range within the selected month. (optional)

Transaction Branch

Select to only include transactions made at a specific branch. (optional)

Member Branch

Select to only include transactions from a specific branch. (optional)

Business Unit

Select to only include transactions from loans with a specific business unit

Loan Category

Select to only include transactions from loans with a specific loan category. (optional)

  • NOTE: Use this selector to, for example, view only transactions associated with mortgages.

  • SEE ALSO: Configuring Loan Categories Codes.

Loan purpose

Select to only include transactions from loans with a specific loan purpose code. (optional)

Loan security

Select to only include transactions from loans with a specific loan security code. (optional)

Transaction Origin

Select to view only one transaction origin code: the origination point for the transaction; in other words, the process that posts the transaction (for example: online banking, teller or a tool. (optional)

Loan officer code

Select to include transactions from loans with a specific loan officer code. (optional)


Two report types can be selected.   Selecting Detail and Summary, prints the Detail report followed by the Summary Report; selecting Summary only prints the Summary report.  The Detail Report lists all transactions with member information, while the Summary Report summarizes the number of disbursements by type of loan. 

Export report to file

Check the check box next to Export report to File to move to a screen that allows you to export the data for use with Member Connect or CU*BASE Report Builder (Query).

Exclude written off loans

Check the check box next to Exclude written off loans to exclude loans in written off status from appearing on the report.

Account adjustment/payment reversal transactions to include

Check the box next to the appropriate Closed end or Open end account adjustment/payment reversal transactions if you would like the selected adjustment transactions to be included in the disbursement totals.


Report Samples  

See below Please for a list of transaction code/transaction type combinations that are captured in the report output.



Transaction code/transaction type combinations in report


TC       Typ

23        02             DISBURSEMENT

23        31             DISBURSEMENT, CASH

23        33             DISBURSEMENT, AUTO DRAFT

23        36             GOVT % PAYMENT REVERSAL

23        37             DISBURSEMENT, CHECK

23        39             DISBURSEMENT, INSURANCE

23        40             DISBURSEMENT, G/L #

23        41             DISBURSEMENT, ACCOUNT TRANSFER




23        49             AUTO. WITHDRAWAL, ACCT. TRANSFER

23        56             DEBIT, ACH TRANSFER

23        62             MISC PAYMENT TRANSFER (G/L)

23        63             OVERPAYMENT TRANSFER

23        68             WITHDRAWAL SERVICE CHARGE

25        92              CLOSED END DEBIT BALANCE (included if selected)

25        93              CLOSED END DEBIT BALANCE & ADJUST GOVT (included if selected)

25        95              CLOSED END DEBIT/REVERSE PAYMENT (included if selected)



TC       Typ  

53        02             DISBURSEMENT

53        30             DISBURSEMENT BY PHONE TRANSFER

53        31             DISBURSEMENT, CASH

53        32             DISBURSEMENT, DRAFT

53        33             DISBURSEMENT, AUTO DRAFT


53        37             DISBURSEMENT, CHECK

53        38             WITHDRAWAL, O/D SERVICE CHARGE

53        39             DISBURSEMENT, INSURANCE

53        40             DISBURSEMENT, G/L #

53        41             DISBURSEMENT, ACCOUNT TRANSFER

53        46             WITHDRAWAL, NON RETURN FEE



53        55             SALES TAX/MISC FEE

53        56             DEBIT, ACH TRANSFER

53        57             DISBURSEMENT, ATM

53        62             MISC PAYMENT TRANSFER (G/L)

53        63             OVERPAYMENT TRANSFER

55        92              OPEN END DEBIT BALANCE (included if selected)

55        95              OPEN END DEBIT/REVERSE PAYMENT (included if selected)