Create Monthly Gov Investor File (1)

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Create Monthly Investor File


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Access this screen by selecting Tool #304: Create PL Government Investor File.

This is the screen used to select the Settlement calculation routine, Company code (if applicable) and PL Investor(s) for creating the monthly government investor file. The file can only be created for FNMA, FHMC or FHLB loans.

  • Select the Settlement calculation routine FNMA, company code (if applicable), and the appropriate PL Investor(s) to move to this screen.

  • Select the Settlement calculation routine FHMC, Company code (if applicable), and the appropriate PL Investor(s) to move to this screen.

  • Select the Settlement calculation routine FHLB, Company code (if applicable), and the appropriate PL Investor(s) to move to this screen.

For complete details on the PL system, including configuring the necessary codes, creating participation loan records, processing investor settlement and using various reports, refer to the appropriate booklet.